Accepting a Project from Dad

Accepting a Project from Dad

I Chronicles 17 and I Kings 18 inform us of King David wanting to build a temple for God, God’s gracious refusal, God making significant promises to David, and Solomon actually building a temple for the ark of the covenant.  These chapters are loaded with...
Evolution Wrong But Genesis Correct

Evolution Wrong But Genesis Correct

In seeking to explain how the world came to exist and where people came from, some evolutionists believe that life began with very small one-cell creatures, and gradually, over millions of years, small changes occurred, resulting in the complex life-forms we see today...
To Cruise or Not to Cruise?

To Cruise or Not to Cruise?

My answer was, “no cruising.”  They will try to fatten me up for slaughter.  One can eat non-stop. 24/7.  And Christians we serve in Cuba and Asia have legitimate needs–so how can I go on an expensive cruise?  How can I appeal...
More Saved Than Lost

More Saved Than Lost

You have wondered, “Will more people be saved and enjoy Heaven for eternity, or will more people remain lost?”[1]  If more people remain separated from God, then it seems that Satan will have won. And it does not seem logical that God would allow that. It is...
Faith’s First Achievement Hebrews 11:1-3

Faith’s First Achievement Hebrews 11:1-3

First, because it is addressed first in the Bible’s famous faith chapter–Hebrews 11.  First, because it is indispensable.  Essential.   Foundational.  First, because everything that follows–Noah building ark (v. 7),...