What’s in a Name

What’s in a Name

What’s in a name?  A great deal! When high school boys were to take a basic class in cooking and homemaking, the name “Home Economics” was a turn off.  For two years boys attended only grudgingly. It was not working.  The school board needed a new approach....
The Wilderness Temptation (Part 2 of 2)

The Wilderness Temptation (Part 2 of 2)

 We are looking at Matthew 4:1-11 which informs us of Satan’s effort to tempt the Lord Jesus Christ.   Mark 1:13 tells us that wild animals were present, likely adding to the danger and tension of the situation.  In part 1, we considered The Personal...
Identifying with the Dead

Identifying with the Dead

Prominence is given in the Old Testament to the offerings and sacrifices Jewish worshippers made to God. Many animals died to temporarily cover sin. God wanted the people to identify with their sacrifices – know the animal was dying in their place.   ...