What’s a Nice Girl like You Doing in a Place Like This

What’s a Nice Girl like You Doing in a Place Like This

Esther 2:1-18 While Esther may sound like the Jewish version of Cinderella, this account is absolutely true. Esther, an orphaned immigrant and a descendant of slaves, became the queen of the most powerful king of the day. As astonishing as these facts are, Esther...
Enter Boaz

Enter Boaz

 Ruth, Chapter 2 As chapter two opens, we are introduced to a relative of Naomi’s on her husband’s side. Boaz is called a man of standing. He would have been capable, strong, and wealthy. He may have been the hometown hero, a defender of Bethlehem.  God’s...
IF (Job 9 & 10)

IF (Job 9 & 10)

In 1907, Adolf Hitler applied to the Vienna Academy of Art. He was rejected.  Later, he applied again. Refused again. If he had been accepted, would the world have experienced World War II?   Two teens were memorizing John 15 in the back seat as Mom and a...