A More Sure Word

 A More Sure Word

The largest radio receiver on earth is in New Mexico. Pilots call it The Mushroom Patch. Its real name is the Very Large Array. The VLA is a series of huge satellite disks on 38 miles of railways. Together the dishes mimic a single telescope the size of Washington...
How God Applied Your Prayers

How God Applied Your Prayers

During our June 23 – July 1 time of service in Cuba, we felt the effect of people praying for us via a host of graces (Thank You). And we think God applied the prayers of His people to three specific situations:  First, a Canadian Officer   We normally drive to...
Love Story (Genesis 24:28-66; Part 2 of 2)

Love Story (Genesis 24:28-66; Part 2 of 2)

Abraham’s unnamed servant has gone to find a bride for his son, Isaac, as reported in Genesis 24:1-27 (see previous article entitled Love Story). Let’s pick up the story in verse 28. After answering the servant’s question about housing for the night, Rebekah was...
Love Story (Genesis 24:28-66; Part 2 of 2)

Love Story (Genesis 24:1-27; Part 1 of 2)

“It was evening and time for the women to come to the well for water. A strikingly beautiful young woman was there with her large clay pitcher, ready to lower it into the well, when she heard the clop-clop of camels slowing under the shouts of their drivers. A small...