Samson: A Bigger Perspective (Part 1 of 2, Judges 13-16)
by Keith Kaynor | Mar 10, 2022
Most know that Samson was a he-man with a she-problem (Charles Swindoll’s phrase). But there was more happening than an appetite gone wild. Most Bible commentators major on Samson’s flesh failures and say little about the critical phrase in Judges13:5 – God’s...Recent Posts
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- "Turn the other c."
- "What if" Scenarios
- "What Ifs"
- 4-H
- A $740 Pie
- A c. of attitude
- A deceptive c. of a.
- a modern-day p.
- A Mother's I.
- A nudge from the Spirit to W.A.B.
- A P. For Serving God
- A quiet heroine
- a Roman c. who amazed Jesus
- a s. personality, John Q. Adams
- Aaron limited access to the Holy of Holies
- Abortion
- Abraham
- Abraham Finding a Wife For His Son
- Abraham Lincoln
- Abraham's unnamed servant
- Abraham; God's promise to Abraham
- Absalom
- Abuse
- Abused
- Accident
- Accidents
- Accomodating
- Achievement, first achievement
- Achievements
- Achieving mental r.
- Action International Ministries
- Acts
- Acts 10 & 11
- Acts 10:23 & 11:12
- Acts 12:8-10
- Acts 2
- Adams, bright and out-going Louisa Catherine Adams
- Adams, John Quincy, 6th president of the United States
- Adaptability
- Adapting, adjusting and flexible
- Adding to or taking away from the Bible
- Adjusting my thinking
- Admitting something
- Advantage
- Adventure
- Affair of a husband
- Affection
- Affirmation can turn idolatrous
- African Need
- Agagite; King Agag
- Agreement that needed changing
- Ahimaaz was s.
- Ahimaaz, son of Zadok the priest
- Ahio, Nadab and Abihu – early deaths
- Airpower
- Alcoholism
- Alfred Nobel
- Alive to God
- all born s. from God
- All humanity n.
- Allowing parents to direct
- Almost beyond what a person could endure
- Amateur; “This is how amateurs get killed.”
- Amazed
- Ambition gone awry
- America declining
- American fears of Soviet Russia
- American Football
- American presidents
- America’s a.i. did not change
- Ammonites
- An appeal to the E. of Moses
- an elderly gentleman
- An emotional p.
- An O. of History
- An unfortunate k.
- Anathema; Benedict Arnold viewed as a Judas
- Andrews, Julie
- Angelic jailbreak
- Angels Worshipping God
- Animals killed in the Old Testament
- Annihilate Israel; efforts to Annihilate Israel
- Another's world
- Answered p.
- Answering John's doubts
- Anti-Semitism
- Anxiety overcome by Martin Luther
- Anyone can do it
- Apologetics
- Apostles
- Appearances; guarding one's appearance
- Application to become Job's comforter
- Applied; prayers applied by God
- Arab-Israeli Conflict
- Archaeology
- Arnold, Benedict, General B.A., the American traitor
- Arnold, the traitor Benedict A.
- Arrogance, Haman’s a.
- Arrogance; Xerxes a.
- Arrogant, unchangeable people
- article on Charles Spurgeon
- Artwork
- Asceticism
- Asceticism unsatisfying
- Assassination: Bigthana and Teresh plot
- asserting yourself on w.i.
- Assisting a Friend
- Assitance
- Associates along with us to c.
- Assuming on others
- Assumptions
- Astronaut corps
- Astronaut John Glenn
- Atlantic Voyage
- Atone for sin
- Atonement
- Atonement; full and final a.
- Atoning Death of Jesus Christ
- Attending church
- Attention; holding the audience
- Attitude governs value
- Attitude is everything
- Auto Accident
- Auto Industry
- Availability to all
- Aviation of World War II
- Awareness/Unawareness
- B. helping a boy experience success
- Backing off
- Backsliding
- Bad kings
- Balance
- Balancing
- Barely Enough
- Baseball
- Battle of the Little Big Horn 1876
- Battling for an idea whose time had come
- bazaar, outlandish i.
- Be grateful for l.
- Be-Attitude
- Beauty Shoppe
- Became our sin; Jesus b.o.s.
- Becoming b.
- Becoming spiritually s.
- Becoming w.
- Being close to God
- Being criticized
- Being forgiven
- Being in community
- Being Like Jesus Christ
- Being r.
- Being s. required to serve God
- Being taken a. of
- Being with the poor
- Believe
- Believe the bible
- Belonging
- Belonging to each other
- Benefit unequal to the expenditure
- Benjamin Franklin
- Benjamin Franklin ridiculed
- Benjamin Franklin's youth
- Benjamin, youngest son of Jacob
- Bernoulli's principle of f.
- Best for last
- Betrayal
- Beyond your ability and experience
- Bible
- Bible chronology
- Bible h.
- Bible; authority and claim to inspiration
- Biblical Teachings
- Biden
- Biden; President Joe Biden
- Big moment
- Big results vs. Godly Results
- Bigger Picture
- Bigger picture; accepting a project from Dad
- Billy Mitchell
- Bitterness
- Black Civil Right
- Blemishes
- Blind; legally blind but “seeing” well
- Boaz
- Boils
- Boldness; Esther’s b.
- Books to Cuba
- Boredom
- Bossy
- Boston and Halifax
- Bow; Mordecai refused to b.
- Bribing people to get a following
- Brick; bricking our own home
- Bride-price
- Briggs Meyer Personality Test
- Brilliance
- British monarchy
- British r.
- British royalty treated like gods
- Broken
- Bulldog Personality of Winston Churchill
- Bullet
- Bullet I deserve
- Bullet; Jesus took the bullet I deserve
- Bully
- Bullying
- Bunker
- Bush
- Calculating the cost of our sin
- California; finding Christ on a Californian campus
- Call; does a need constitute God's will?
- Cancer taking a woman’s life
- Canonicity
- Can’t do without
- Capable wife
- Captivity; Jewish 70 year c.
- care of d. unequally distributed
- Caring For Children
- Caring for others
- Celebrating; Jews c. like Christmas
- Centurion
- ceremonies and rituals u
- Certainty
- Change
- Change (s, ing, ed)
- Change in schedule
- Change of arrangement
- Changing social attitude
- Charles Spurgeon, London preacher
- Charlotte
- Chauvin, Derek
- Cheat
- Cheek
- Cheerful and optimistic
- Cheerful spirit
- Child deaths
- Childbearing; yearning for childbearing
- Childhood experiences having an impact years later
- Children
- Children as an object lesson
- Children being kind
- Children serving God
- child’s focus on themselves
- Choice
- Choosing to be grateful
- Christian education material
- Christian Encouragement
- Christian Living
- Christian school Fund raiser
- Christian service means being fueled by fumes
- Christians o. by God
- Chronicles and Kings; 1 Chronicles 17 & 1 Kings 8:18
- Chronology of Moses' Trips up Mt. Sinai
- Church
- Church attendance
- Church culture wars
- Church pillar that no one missed
- Churches and ministries taking advantage
- Churchill, Winston
- Citizens “became Jews”
- City Gates
- City gates in Old Testament times
- Civil War
- Classifications superseded by being alive to God
- Clean, pure, forgiven, righteous
- Clergymen’s elaborate dress
- Co-Exist
- Coffee that saved a marriage
- Coincidences
- College students; questions of c. s.
- Colonial government
- Colossians
- Colossians 1:11
- Comet
- Comfortable theology
- Commerce and business conducted
- Common to man; I Corinthians 10:13
- Communication of children limited
- Community
- Community and Support
- Comparison
- Compassion
- Compensation for Leah
- Competing against adverse odds
- Competition
- Competition between sisters
- Competition, unhealthy c.
- Competition; benign competition with God
- Complain
- Complaining
- Conception
- Conclusions
- Conclusions; coming to the right conclusions
- Confidence in the listener
- Confined for over one year
- Confirm
- Conflict Resolution
- Confronting people
- Confused, doubting and/or afflicted
- Connecting
- Connecting with Children
- Connecting with one's sacrifice
- Conscientious
- Consulting
- Context
- Contradictions; living with c.
- Contrast between Proverbs and Job
- Control; being under God's control
- Control; who is in c. of your life
- Convinced I am r. when I am actually wrong
- Convinced I am right, when actually w.
- Corinthians
- Corinthians; I Corinthians 14:37
- Cornelius
- Correcting others
- Cost
- Counsel
- Countable
- Creation scientism
- Creation vs. evolution
- Creativity
- Credit
- Critical people
- Critical rather than grateful
- Critics not knowing what they are talking about
- Critics set out to s. Benedict Arnold
- Cross
- Crushed by disapproval
- Cuba
- Cuba – baseball for kids
- Cuba; speaking in C.
- Cuban Christian; a Cuban conclusions
- Cuban poverty
- Cultural and religious clashes
- Culture
- Customs forms
- Customs; overlooked by Biblical c.
- Cyrus’ permission to return to Jerusalem
- D. of many early colonists
- Dangerous; close to God can be dangerous
- David, seeking to be sympathetic, was misunderstood
- David, wise individualism
- Death
- Death not the u.
- Death of j.
- Deceived
- Deceiver
- Deception
- Deception as a part of spiritual warfare
- Deception in entertainment
- Deception in food containers
- Default setting of human nature
- Defeated for the presidency
- defeating negative f.
- Defining Moment
- Delay
- Delay in talking over a problem
- Deliverance
- Delivery of a message; variety
- Dependence
- Desperate to marry
- Despising your birthright (things that are valuable)
- Destiny; date with d.
- Destruction
- Deuteronomy 28 – 30
- Deuteronomy 29:29
- Development; mental d.
- Died; some died by violating God's presence
- Differences in C.
- Different
- different p. attracted to each other
- Differently; handling a situation differently
- Difficulty g.u.
- Difficulty of changing
- Dignity
- Diligence
- Directing another person's life
- Directionless
- Disabled
- Disadvantaged
- Disappointment
- Disaster
- Discipline
- Discovering new depth
- Discovery
- Disneyland
- Disobedience; Vashti’s d.
- Disobedient; healed man disobedient to the Lord Jesus
- Distraction
- Division
- Dog
- Doggy
- Dogs
- Doing one's d.
- doing small things
- Doing to others the evil done to us
- Dominate
- Dominating your sons / daughters
- Don't c.
- Don't quit
- don’t become an H.
- Doubt
- Downfall; Haman’s d.
- Dream revelation: how we know it was from satan
- Drew H's $740 Pie
- Driven
- Drunkenness, why Persians drank so much
- Due diligence
- Dull Because of Overuse
- Dullness of mind
- Dumb
- Dutch sea captain
- Duty
- Duty to found a colony
- Each afraid of the other
- Each of us totally responsible
- Eagerness to serve
- Early deaths
- Earn salvation
- Ecstatic frenzy as a means of communication
- Edict, a second e.
- Edicts; irreversible e.
- Effective; more effective as a congressman than as president
- Ego
- Elders; the blessing of e.
- Election
- EliBiPhar
- Elijah fits the "warrior, wounded, wisdom" pattern
- Elimelech
- Eliphaz fooled into claiming a godly origin
- Elizabeth Edwards
- Elizabeth Layton Nel
- Embarrassing details
- Emotional Strength
- Empathy
- Empowerment and Advocacy
- Emptiness on the inside
- Empty search
- Endurance
- Engagement
- Enjoying children
- Enjoying the c. to modern conveniences
- Enormous need – hardship, injustice, refugees
- Entrance into ancient cities
- Entrance to O.T. communities
- Envy
- Ephesians 2:8-10
- Ephesians 5:21
- Erfurt, Germany
- Esau
- Eschatology
- Essential
- Establishing what was done and said and what happened
- Esther
- Esther approaches the king a second time
- Esther; Hadassah’s Persian name
- Eunuch
- European theater of World War II
- Evening service; cancel the e.s.
- Events; seemingly unrelated e.
- every n.t.l. and p.
- Everyman
- everything there is to k.
- Evidence
- Evidence for God
- Evil still exists
- Evolution is a faith-based, secular religion
- Examples of lack of s.a.
- Excuses
- Exempt
- Exhaustion
- Exodus
- Exodus 19:4
- Exodus 32:10
- Exodus chronology of Moses on Mt. Sinai
- Expectation Management
- Expectations
- Expected
- Experience
- Experiencing the s.
- Explosives
- Extreme
- Extreme exertion
- extreme giftedness
- Extreme service to our nation
- Fail; I will not fail where others have
- Failure to see his own sin
- Faint cries for help
- Fairness
- Faith
- Faith and Devotion
- Faith and Theology
- Faith and Trust in God
- Faith building
- Faith frontier
- Faith to overcome a limitation
- Faith victory by a whisker
- Faith; statement of f.
- Faithful building of the ark
- False prophets speaking lies
- Familiarity; using what we know
- Family devotions
- Family man
- Family relationships
- Family tensions
- Family-ness
- Famine
- fast response
- Fasting
- Favorites
- Favoritism
- Fear
- Fear of living on missionary support
- Fear of the Unknown
- Feasting
- feeling i. in a crowd
- Feeling rejected
- Feeling second best
- Feelings
- Fellowship; the value of fellowship
- Finding God's Will
- Finding someone you've never met
- Fired
- First, last; last, first
- First-time home ownership
- Flesh; the spirt and flesh at war
- Flexibility
- Flight
- Flood
- Focus Publishing; Bemidji, Minnesota
- Focusing on a greater cause
- follow the e. wherever it goes
- Food mostly gone
- Foolish conclusion
- Foolish spending
- foolish to e. those more gifted
- Foolish young man, racing on the streets
- Football
- Forgive(ness)
- Forgiven little, love little; Forgiven much, love much
- Formative experiences
- Freedom from anxiety and fear
- Freedom from competition
- Freedom in Christ
- Freedom in God's forgiveness
- Freedom; claiming freedom, we end up in bondage
- Fretting about injustice
- Friends
- Friends counsel to OSCs
- Full atonement
- Fun
- Functioning according to the Spirit of God
- Fund raiser
- Funeral
- Future
- Galations 2 – Peter Withdrew From Gentile Christians
- Gallows; built for Mordecai
- Gallows; excessive height of g.
- Garment; spread the corner of your g.
- Gate: the king’s g.
- Geezer
- General Motors
- Generation; one generation dominating another
- Generational sins
- Generations differ
- Generosity
- Genesis 16-21
- Genesis 22
- Genesis 24
- Genesis 24-27
- Genesis 25 & 26
- Genesis 38 & 44
- Gentile Pentecost in Acts 10
- Gentiles attaching themselves to Israel
- George
- George Floyd
- Getting all that we should
- getting back into G. good graces
- Getting c.
- Giandomenico Picco – U.N. negotiator
- Gift of Time
- Gifting
- Gifts
- Gifts inventories
- Give, given, gave
- GIve, given, gave, giving
- Giving
- Giving more c. than we think is deserved
- giving up human s.
- Giving up long before you die
- Gleaning
- Glitter and pomp; unbecoming
- Glory
- Go to hurting friends
- Goals
- God at work in all lives
- God b.
- god complex
- God could have prevented an a.
- God does e.
- God doing something n.
- God generous
- God Has No F.
- God is able to time events right
- God is humble; stays out of sight
- God is not obvious
- God keeping HIs own from foolishness
- God not against you, even though it seems He is
- God preventing His own from doing evil
- God protecting HIs own
- God runs his creation differently
- God saying "No"
- God t. Moses
- God teaching me
- God's attitude toward us
- God's blessing on Rachel and Leah (12 sons of Israel)
- God's correction of critical people
- God's grace in finding someone
- God's grace reaching all believers
- God's guidance
- God's l.
- God's perspective more comprehensive
- God's Power in Ordinary People
- God's providence
- God's sovereignty
- God's Value Structure Different Than Ours
- God's will
- God, evidence for God
- God; how God speaks to us
- God; main character of the book though never named
- God; no games with God
- God; what God is doing through wounding us
- Godly attitudes
- Godly discipline
- gods we own
- God’s
- God’s balancing answer to the simplicity and optimism of Proverbs
- God’s call to missions
- God’s gentle, thorough preparation for change
- God’s purposes for the o.
- God’s sovereignty
- God’s will; sensing G. w.
- going w. another to establish what was said and done and what happened
- Golden retrievers
- Golden Rule
- Goliath, the Philistine champion
- Good kings
- Good marriage
- Gospel to the poor
- Gospel, expansive, dynamic
- Gossipy tabloids
- Got Me In
- Grace builders
- Grand Rapids, Michigan
- Granddaughters
- Grandparenting
- Gratefulness
- Gratitude
- Gratitude perfumes everything
- Greatest challenge a human ego has ever faced
- Grief
- Grieving the death of a child
- Growing Up
- Guidance through scripture
- Guilt
- Guilty
- Half-full down to empty
- Halifax Explosion, 1917
- Haman
- Hamanite
- Haman’s hatred and pride
- Handing a gruff personality
- Happiness
- Hard peace
- Hard Work
- Hardhearted; was Esther h.
- hardship not because of s.
- Hate; the Biblical origins of hate
- Hatred for political leaders
- Hazardous; too near to the Lord can be hazardous
- Healthy individuality
- Hearing
- Heart for God
- Heaven
- Heaven a large place
- Held accountable
- Help; church members help pastor get his own house.
- Helpfulness
- Helpfulness without being asked
- helping a boy experience s.
- Helping others without being asked
- Helping Out God
- Helping the helpless
- Heroine
- Hidden
- Hidden Manna
- Historical-grammatical interpretation
- History
- History Balancing Itself
- History of
- Hixson; Kathryn
- Hollywood
- Holy Spirit
- Holy Spirit Guidance
- Holy Spirit illumination
- Homeownership
- Honesty
- Honesty comes before being generous
- Hoppenworth
- Hospitality
- Hospitality in Singapore
- Housekeeping
- How God applied general prayers
- How long will my punishment last?
- how many redeemed / lost u.
- how to know we are o. o. c.
- How to start an evangelistic conversation
- Human approval idolatrous
- Human god-ness
- Human Nature
- human r.
- Humanity of a high mountain ledge
- Humanity total ruined
- Humanity unaware
- Humble enough to seek counsel
- Humble home
- Humility
- Humility in service
- Humility of Moses
- Humility; John the Baptist
- Humor in the pulpit
- Humor softens the hard spots
- Humvee
- Hunger
- Husband; unemotional health
- Husband’s leadership role in marriage
- Hypocrisy
- Hypocrites in church
- I am the resurrection
- I Corinthians 11:10
- I Corinthians 16:9
- I Corinthians 6:19-20
- I Samuel 17:38 & 39
- Idealism
- Identifying with others
- Identity
- Idolatry
- Idolatry; make a child into an idol
- II Corinthians 5:4
- II Peter 1:3
- Illumination
- Illusion; the i. of progress
- Illustrations
- Iloilo, Philippines
- Imagination
- Imbalance in favor of a ministry, church
- Immediate gratification
- Immediate response
- Immorality of Hollywood stars
- Impatience
- Impeachment of a president
- Implied
- importance of v. in speaking
- Imposing your will on others
- Impossible
- In
- Inadequacy
- Inconsistency
- Independence from God
- Independence; foolish i.
- Individualism
- Individuality
- Inferiority
- Influence
- Influence; falling under another's i.
- Influencing one's children
- Inheritance in Bible times; importance of i. i. B. t.
- Inherited roles
- Initiative
- Initiative and being entrepreneurial
- Injured
- Injustice; how do we face it?
- Insanity
- Insecure
- Insensitivity
- Insesure
- Insight
- Inspiration
- Inspiration; Bible definition of I.
- Interpretation of s.e.
- Interpreting circumstances differently
- Interpreting our circumstances correctly
- interpreting things in c
- Intimacy with the Lord Jesus Christ
- Intimidated by a chairman of the board
- Intimidation
- Into the Unknown
- Intoxicating; being the center of attention i.
- Investing time, love, and energy
- Invisible
- Invited to leave
- Irrational concern
- Isaac
- Ishmael, the extended family of Ishmael
- Isolation
- Israel re-gathered as of May 1948
- Israel taken captive
- it’s not o. w.
- Jacob
- James killed by Herod
- James Maitland Stewart
- James Michener’s book Poland
- Jamestown 1620
- Jealousy
- Jealousy is like a cancer
- Jeremiah 29:11
- Jeremiah Challenged by God
- Jesus Christ
- Jesus Christ associated with joy
- Jesus Christ repeated God's ideal
- Jesus Christ s. by the father
- Jesus Christ Was A.
- Jesus Christ; His baptism
- Jesus Christ; how different He is from those who claim to represent Him
- Jesus Christ; Warrior, wounded, and wise
- Jesus made a great deal available
- Jesus preparing a place
- Jesus traveling with his family
- Jesus was compassionate toward a widow
- Jesus; the name of Jesus interpreted
- Jewel; the Jewel in the Singapore airport
- Jewish Christians move over to accept Gentile Christians
- Jewish evangelists; 144,000. J.E.
- Jews; history of j
- Jihad
- Jihadists
- Jimmy Chin’s National Geographic photo; May, 2011
- Joab hard and calculating
- Joab, David’s general; wiser than the king
- Job
- Job 11
- Job 11:5 & 6
- Job 12
- Job 13
- Job 16
- Job 31:4&7
- Job 9 & 10
- Job bashing
- Job brings b. to O.T. Wisdom Literature
- Job still spiritual gold at the end of chapter 2
- Job's comforter
- Job's Painful B.
- Job: automatic connection with the forgotten, the ignored, the marginalized
- Job: misery’s case presented
- Job: spiritual sushi
- Job: why J. is believed to be an ancient book
- Job; fits the "warrior, wounded, wisdom:" pattern
- Jobian back-off maneuver
- John 11:25
- John 14:2
- John 1:29-34
- John 3:22-30
- John Andre; Revolutionary War British officer J.A.
- John had a q. for Jesus Christ
- John Quincy Adams humbly served in Congress
- John Robinson, charismatic Pilgrim leader
- John the Baptist
- John the Baptist P.
- John the Baptist; his disciples being protective
- John the baptizer
- Johne 3:16-19
- Johnson, trial of President J.
- Joseph; fits the "warrior, wounded, wisdom" pattern
- Joy
- Joy amidst poverty
- Judah immoral
- Judah s-s.
- Judges 13-16
- Judging
- Judgment; divine j.
- Julie Andrews' Examiner
- Jumping to false c.
- Justice; two different systems of j.
- Justify; does the end j. the means
- Karpe diem
- Kaynor, David
- keeping things in the right o.
- Keith Kaynor; warrior, wound
- Kidnappers
- Kids in Cuba
- Kilion
- Kindness
- King George III
- King George's spirituality in conflict with British conquest
- King Herod
- King James – persecuted Pilgrims
- King of Siam
- Kings and queens of the dog world
- Kings: good and bad
- Kinsman-redeemer
- Kiss
- Know
- Knowing G.w.
- Knowing what should be done without being told
- Knowing; not k.
- Knowledge is power
- Known; the k. and the unknown
- Ku Klux Klan
- Laban
- Lacking
- Lacking, yet still triumphant
- Large family
- Large gatherings
- Laughter
- Law shifting to grace
- Laws of p.
- Leadership brings surprises
- Leadership Brings The U.
- Leadership stress
- Leadership stress and strain
- Leah
- Learning disabled children
- Learning from those older and bolder
- Learning to do what you’ve never done before
- Learning to expect from others
- learning to have patience
- Learning to have sympathy
- Learning to have empathy
- Leaving a n.s. to God
- Leaving; people l. to support someone else
- Legacy; achieving a godly legacy
- Legalism
- Legalism– trying to earn forgiveness
- Legitimate and non-legitimate
- Leniency not extended
- Lessons from Experience
- Levi (Matthew) former tax collector
- Lie turned n.
- Life shaping e.
- Life-dominating love for God
- Light
- Liked
- Limitations
- Limited information
- Listening wisely
- Little is much when God is in it
- Living by faith
- London preacher of 1854-1891 Charles Haddon S.
- Loosening Your Grip
- Lose
- Losing f.r.
- Loss of respect for each other in the family
- Loss of the glue of society
- Lost awareness of sin
- Lots; casting of l.
- Louise Catherine Adams
- Louisiana Purchase
- Love
- Love story
- Loved
- Loved by God
- Loving Children
- Loving God
- Low income
- Luke
- Luke 10:38-41
- Luke 2:44
- Luke 5:33-39
- Luke 7
- Lying
- Lying and liars
- Mahlon
- Making History
- Making p.
- making people into g.
- Malachi
- Manila missionary eats with poor
- Manipulating your husband
- Manna
- Many killed in an unnecessary war
- Many things are r.
- Marines; the few, the brave and proud Maturity; when God sets about maturing someone
- Mark 2:18-22
- Mark 2:4
- Marking your B.
- Marriage
- Marriage deception
- Marriage first, then pleasure
- Marriage to a heathen king; spending the night with the king
- Marriage/Divorce
- Martha's concern for Lazarus
- Martin Luther as a young monk
- Martin Luther King
- Massasoit, First Nations leader
- Matthew 11:4-6
- Matthew 13
- Matthew 14
- Matthew 19:1-2
- Matthew 19:16-20:16
- Matthew 1:21
- Matthew 4:1-11
- Matthew 9:14-17
- Maturity to restrain one’s speech
- Mayflower
- Meaningful meetings w/ the Master
- meaningless activity that does not a. the goal
- Mechanics of w.
- Medical a.
- Medical emergencies
- Medical needs
- meeting temptation
- Mellowing over the years
- Memorizing Scripture
- Mental peace
- Mental thought life
- Mentally delayed
- Mighty G.M. did not c.
- Mighty G.M. did not change
- Military veterans living in woundedville
- Ministry is consuming
- Ministry Leadership
- Miraculous
- Mirrors help people wait
- Misery Aboard the Mayflower in 1620
- Mission
- Missionary acid test
- Missionary support dropped
- Missionary Work
- Missions
- Misspent values
- Misunderstood
- Mixed group: believers and non-believers
- Monastery life; Luther's life in a monastery
- Money, not knowing about the m.
- Moral fabric of the universe
- Mordecai
- Mordecai and Esther sent official l. to the people
- Mordecai continued to rise to power
- Mordecai Events; seeming unrelated e.
- Mordecai; mourning of M.
- More happening than we know
- More print on only one topic
- More redeemed than remain lost
- Moses
- Moses a. by Israelites
- Moses h.a.
- Moses too familiar with God
- Moses' brilliant appeal to God
- Moses; phases of his life
- Mosquitos
- Most cheerful dog
- Motherhood
- Motherhood impacted
- Mothers
- Motive for obedience
- Motive for service
- Mount Sinai
- Mourning; parents
- Movies; American movies in the 1940s and 1950s
- Moving a home
- Mr. Franklin Graham
- Mr. Guilty
- Mrs. Job foolish counsel
- Mutual submission; Ephesians 5:21
- Mysteries
- Mysterious providence
- Mystery
- Mystery; living with unanswered questions
- N. vow
- Names; meaning of names
- Naomi
- Narratives of Confidence
- Narrow margin of acquittal
- Narrow victory
- Nation, tribe, language and people
- Nazarite
- Nebuchadnezzar – “Tell me my dream.”
- Needs
- Needy
- Negative
- Negative situation
- Negatives more than balanced off by achieving the goal
- Negotiating an agreement
- Negotiating with kidnappers
- Nehemiah
- Nervous; Jimmy Stewart nervous
- Neutrality
- New
- New Testament claim to divine inspiration
- New testament writers were truthful
- No arms
- No s. or s.
- Noah's flood
- Non-judgmental
- not all churches are true to the Bible
- Not c. those involved
- Not keeping one's w.
- Not know
- Not knowing
- Not knowing what to do
- Not knowing what we do not know
- Not r.s.
- Not Understand
- not what was e.
- Nothing e. as God set about to create faith
- Nourishment
- Nourishment, spiritual n.
- Now
- Numbers killed in the American Civil War
- Obama
- Obed
- Obedience
- Obligation; does a need constitute an obligation
- Obvious
- Oceans
- Oddity
- Old / new wineskins
- Old covenant obsolete
- Old Testament c.g.
- Old Testament Stories
- Old/New Covenant
- One world
- Oneness
- Opinions
- Order
- Order of events: getting the law
- Ordinary; people o.
- Original sin; our basic nature
- Originality
- Originality in S.
- Orpah
- Others
- Our o., not God's o.
- Out of control
- Out tricked
- Out with the old, in with the new
- Out-of-balance living
- Out-of-character participation
- Outside one's comfort zone
- Outside wanting to be inside
- Over dressed
- Overcoming
- Overcoming a negative past
- Overcoming Challenges
- Overcoming death of a husband and a daughter
- Overly c.
- Overly s. Christians
- Overreaction
- Overwhelmed
- Owned
- P&C in the church and royal family
- Paid a price to go to comfort a friend
- Palestinians, non-violet Palestinians
- Parable
- Parable of the Sower
- Parables
- Pardon not ours to give
- Parents and their Sons and Daughters
- Parsonage; buying the church p.
- Participation
- Pastor; due diligence for his own family
- Patches
- Patience
- Patience / impatience
- Patience test
- Patriot Jimmy Stewart
- Payin a high price to be kind
- Paying attention to people
- Peace
- Peace about the pace of development
- Peace with God
- Pendulum of history
- Penny War
- People change
- People l. by God
- People required to make a p. happen
- Permeation
- Perplexed
- Persecuted
- Persecuting those we should thank
- Persian court life
- Personal connection with the resurrection
- Personal Development
- Personal devotions not always s.c.
- Personal need test
- Personal Reflection
- Personal Relationship with God
- Personalities
- Perspective
- Perspective gained through passage of time
- Perspective on being criticized
- Persuasion
- Peter
- Peter slow to c.
- Peter, II Peter 3:15 & 16
- Philistines
- Physical distance from God
- Physical stamina for mountain climbing
- Physical things that are overwhelming
- Piano tuning
- Pick-up lines
- Picture of s.
- Pie
- Pilgrims
- Pilgrims with non-Christians
- Piper, John P.
- Plagiarism
- Point of L. in a sea of darkness
- Poland
- Police officers
- Polish gentry show us ourselves
- Political mud-slinging
- Politics
- Politics of America
- Pomp and ceremony
- Position and property of Haman given to Mordecai
- Positive r.m.
- Positive role model
- Poverty
- Practical Advice
- Praise
- Pray; reasons to p.
- Prayer
- Praying
- Praying for people we have never met
- Praying specifically
- Praying without ceasing
- Preachers and Christian workers are dispensing truth time bombs
- Pregnancy
- President Biden
- President Bush
- President Dwight Eisenhower
- President Harry Truman
- President Obama
- President Richard Nixon
- President Richard Nixon was G.
- President Trump
- Presidential opposition
- Presumptuous
- Prevent
- Price
- Price; the p. to win a son
- Pride
- Prince Phillip
- Princeton attended by movie star Jimmy Stewart
- Priorities
- Prison
- Private times of w.
- Probability
- Professional services
- Project
- Protecting His Own from the Unknown
- Protection
- Protection from our sin natures
- Proverbs 9:9
- Proverbs are probabilities
- Providence
- Providence; illustration of God’s p.
- Providential timing and vision required to convince Peter to change
- Provision
- Provoked but still responsible
- Psychology; the p. of waiting
- public s.
- Public Speaking
- Punishment shortened
- Purifying our motive
- Purim, meaning of and celebration of P.
- Queen Charlotte, wife of King George III
- Queen Elizabeth
- Queen of England
- Question
- Questions about what happened
- Quiet Strength
- Quit; John Quincy Adams did not quit
- Race Relations
- Rachel
- Radical action
- Radio Telescope
- Raising Children
- Re-naming something to increase interest
- Reading shaping a young mind
- Reaping what we sow
- Reasons for attending church
- Reasons to b.t.b.
- Rebekah
- Rebuke
- Recent American presidents
- Reconcile war with loving our enemies
- Reconciliation
- Redeemed
- Redeemed from being what we are sinners
- Redemption
- Reformed Protestant perfection
- Refusal to get distracted by unkindness
- Refusing to be sidelined
- Refusing to compete or compare
- Reinterpreting our circumstances
- Reject a leader’s direction
- Rejected
- Rejection by an older brother
- Relative
- Religious
- Reluctance to Change
- Remaining focused on the m.
- Remaining v.
- Repeating
- Repentance
- Reputation
- Request; Esther‘s delicate r.
- Request; Esther’s r.
- Resistance to change
- Responding to the nuances of the Spirit
- Response
- Responsibility
- Responsibility to match the benefit
- Rest
- Resurrection; personal connection with the r.
- Revelation
- Revelation 21:16
- Revelation 2:17
- Revelation 7:9
- Rewarded
- Riches
- Ridicule
- Ridiculed
- Right
- Righteousness
- Ring; signet official r.
- Risk
- Risk; Esther taking a r.
- Risk; Esther’s r.
- Risk; taking r. for God
- Risks of faith
- Rock in a sock for a ball
- Rocket science
- Role model
- Romans
- Romans 15:4
- Romans 1:17 and 7:15-25
- Romans 2:9
- Romans 5
- Romans 8:33-39
- Royal f.
- royal family in p.
- Royal family ripped apart
- Royalty
- Ruined
- Rules which seem strange
- Rushed/hurried unsatisfying
- Rushing ahead
- Russian fears of America
- Ruth
- S. out of one's comfort zone
- S.W.T.F.
- Sacrifice
- Safety in numbers
- Saints
- Salvation
- Salvation of a son; what it took
- Samaritan's Purse
- Samson began the d. of Israel
- Samson the recipient of the m.
- Sand, space, speed of light, galaxies, lightning
- Sarah
- Sarcasm
- Satan in contest of wills with God
- Satan unsuccessful
- Satan used the Sabeans and Chaldeans
- Satanic battle forgives, wills and souls
- Satanic dream
- Satanic Terrorism
- Satan’s power
- Scarce Christian education material
- School; provision for s.
- Scientific method
- Scriptural response to temptation
- Second coming of Jesus Christ
- Second best
- Secret manna
- Secular government; God uses s.g.
- Security
- Security; personal s. for Persian kings
- Seeing
- Seeing One who is invisible
- Seeing Samson's life in a b. way
- Seeing the good
- Seeing the needs of the future
- Seeing things in a new light
- seeking human approval to the point of i.
- Seeking to be liked
- Seize the moment
- Self-atonement
- Self-awareness
- Self-confidence
- Self-control
- Self-justifying
- Self-Reflection
- Self-sacrificing
- Self-service salvation
- Selfish
- Selfish speech
- Selfish; “Am I being selfish or materialistic?”
- Selfless love
- Senate
- Senior; the senior advantage
- Sensitive
- Sensitizing us to one another
- Sent
- Separated
- Sermons
- Serving beyond your ability and experience
- Serving to the point of exhaustion
- Shakes developed in World War II airman
- showing children f.
- Sibling rivalry
- Sight
- Sight and sound
- Sight, the basis for beliefs
- Sight, the value of physical s.
- Sightings of the H.S.
- Significance; new s.
- Silence Dogood, Benjamin Franklin's imaginary character
- Silent opposition
- Sin
- Sin and Redemption
- Sin brought on a universal flood
- Sin impacting future generations
- Sin nature
- Sin of previous generations
- Sin totally permeates everything
- Sinful i.
- Singapore – finding someone in big airport
- Sitting Bull, Sioux Indian chief
- Sitting where they sat
- Size of the universe
- Skirt length
- Slander
- Slanted news
- Slaves to our own habits and desires
- Sleeplessness
- Small things
- Smart
- Smear
- Social embarassment
- Social order reversed
- Social outcast
- Social upheaval
- Solomon builds the temple
- Some feel i.
- Some songs could not be sung
- Sound of Music, The
- Soundless communication
- Sovereignty
- Sovereignty over conception
- Soviet communism
- Sowing & reaping
- Space travel
- Speaking
- Specific p.
- Speedwell
- Spiritual beauty
- Spiritual death
- Spiritual gifts related to love for God
- Spiritual Growth
- Spiritual hunger
- Spiritual Insights
- Spiritual n.
- Spiritual R & D (Research and Development)
- Spiritual saga
- Spiritual teething (opportunities for growth)
- Spiritual victory
- Spiritual Vitality
- Spiritual war
- Spurgeon
- Stain; a social stain
- Stand; Esther not taking s. for her Jewishness
- Starting a Gospel conversation
- Status quo entrenchment
- Staunch
- Steady plodding in spiritual disciplines
- Stealing other people’s land
- Stellar Events
- Stepping into another's life
- Stepping into another's world
- Stepping into the u.
- Strange way to build a worldwide empire
- Strategy
- Strength
- Strengths becoming weaknesses
- Stress
- Stress in confrontation
- Stresses personality
- Stretched
- Strong
- Strong, youthful, brash, arrogant
- Submission
- Submission out of love and respect
- Submission; absolute s.
- Submitting
- Submitting our wills to the Holy Spirit
- Success
- Sudden change in values
- Suffering
- Suffering focuses the issues of worth, value and ownership
- Super Bowl of the Universe
- Super Bowl, World Cup viewerships
- Supercharged
- Supernatural
- Superstition
- Surrender; arranging a s.
- Surrogate parenting
- Surveys
- Sympathy
- Taken advantage of
- Taking advantage of
- Taking on One's Superiors
- Taking the i.
- Taking things out of context
- Talk grace, but live law
- Tamar deceives Judah
- Tamar takes hold, controversial action
- Tamar takes r.a.
- Taylor Johnson Temperament Test
- Team work
- Teenage desire for a car
- Temple; Solomon builds the temple
- Temptation
- Tender-minded Ahimaaz
- Tenderhearted
- Tension building in America
- Terrifying Circumstances
- Terror
- Terrorism
- Terrorists
- Tested
- Testing from God
- Thankfulness
- Thanksgiving
- the 11th graders’ s.
- The b. we deserve
- the believer’s i. in Christ
- The C. Known in Heaven
- The c. of things is relative
- the d. illustration
- the d. personality
- The desire for more c.
- The Development of Airpower
- The difficulty of w.
- the emotions of r. missing
- The f.
- The G. of T. Given to a Hurting Man
- The Gospel Does Not C.
- The high cost of sin
- The Holy Spirit A.A.F.
- The house of Saul c. to the house of David
- The i. 26th verse of Job 12
- the imagined n. of the scientific community
- The importance of noticing B.C.
- The laugh of u.
- The Lord's calm acceptance of death
- The magnificence of JC
- The many factors involved in the c. of Moses
- The need for balance in American politics
- the number of people r.
- the p. Pilgrims p. others
- the Pilgrim ship M.
- The pilgrim ship s.
- The pilgrims d.
- The power for w. to dissolve
- the r. nature of anti-God people
- the Roman centurion’s f.
- The Salvation Army
- the specifics of how God answered p.
- The stress of w.
- The Swing of History
- The title J.C.
- The unknown
- The US S.
- the value of i.
- The weak c.g.
- Theology
- Thessalonians; 1 T. 5:17
- Thinking
- Thinking; what we think others are t.
- Thirst for Christian education material in Cuba
- Thomas Jefferson
- Tim LaHaye classification of personalities
- Timing
- Timothy, I Timothy 5:18
- Timothy, II Timothy 3:16 & 17
- Traitor
- Transactions, legalizing t. in Isreal
- Travel Plans Disrupted
- Treating others like family
- Trials of the saints known in Heaven
- Trickery
- True identity in Christ
- True r.
- Trump
- Trump, former President Trump
- Trust
- Trusting God When He Says "No"
- Trusting others with your home
- Trusting, therefore thankful
- Truth
- Truth capturing a person's mind
- Truth e. to Christianity
- Truth hidden from those we are serving
- Try n. ways of Bible reading
- Two points of c.
- Type-A, choleric drive
- Ultimate
- Unanswered questions
- Unappreciated
- Unaware
- Unbecoming glitter and pomp
- Unbelief
- Uncategorized
- Uncountable
- Undermining motive for obedience
- Understanding one's past
- Understanding R.
- Understanding the Bible
- Understanding the fears of others
- Understood
- Unemotional man wife starving
- Unexpected
- Unexplainable mysteries
- Unhappy presidency
- Unidentified servant of Genesis 24
- Unity
- Unity of the Father with the Son
- Unkind
- Unknown
- Unknown Name
- Unknown; Jesus u. to John as Messiah
- Unloved wife (wives)
- Unnecessary
- Unspiritual; the fear of looking u.
- Untruthful
- Upgrading salvation
- Upper limit to what one will absorb / do
- Use What You've Got
- Values
- Variety during pubic speaking
- Vashti
- Verses about being r.
- Victorious Christian
- Vietnam
- Visible / invisible
- Voice
- Vulnerable
- Waiting
- Waiting for Children
- Waiting; what helps people wait
- Wall building
- Wanting i.g.
- Wanting to be close to children
- Wanting to be l.
- War
- War; extra day of w. explained
- War; holy w.
- Warped v.
- Warrior; having a warrior mentality and personality
- Warts and all
- Water
- Water skiing as an example
- Wayne Gruden on r.
- We like being i.
- We long to be u.
- Weakness; feeling our w.
- Wealth of American Christian education material
- What to do when criticized
- what was accomplished on the c.
- What we get used to and then c.d.w.
- Whining
- Why Jesus Christ is Special
- Why Jesus Spoke in P.
- Why we don't pray
- Why would God allow a child to die?
- Wicked generation coming from a Godly generation
- Widows
- Wilderness Temptation of Christ
- Wilderness Wandering
- Will; the will to win the mental battle
- Willing to l.
- Willingness to take r.
- Wineskins
- Wings; under His w.
- Wings; under whose w.
- Winning without knowing you are w.
- Winston Churchill’s WWII b.
- Wisdom literature of the Bible
- Wisdom; gaining wisdom
- Wise
- With
- Witnesses; wanting w. to support leadership decisions
- Witnessing
- Wives taking control in the marriage
- Woodward; journalist Robert Woodward
- Word
- Wore our sin; Jesus w.o.s.
- Work
- Work; a w. in progress
- Working around the inflexible
- Working six days a week; exhausted
- World War I vs. World War II
- World War II
- Worship
- Worship in spite of mysteries and injustices
- Worshipper identifying with his sacrificial animal
- Wounded by sin and/or circumstances
- Write a Book
- Wrong
- Wrong issue
- Xerxes
- Xerxes; life of indulgence
- You being you
- Young couple i.
- Young love
- Young man’s project
- Young men warring on the basketball court
- Young women living together
- Youth Involvement
- Zachariah
- Zachariah d., unable to speak
- Zachariah speechless of a season
- Zachariah’s u.
- Zeresh
- Zophar u. to Job
- Zophar, one of Job’s friends
- “Always been this way.”
- “Dry tree”
- “Interested observer”
- “Mansions” in Heaven
- “Take it or leave it.”
- • Inanimate things responding to their Creator
- • Prolific writer Charles Haddon Spurgeon
- • “Neutral” seekers of the truth; no such person exists
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