Mysterious Providence Working For Us
by Keith Kaynor | Apr 21, 2023
It is said, “God moves in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform.” I would like to tell you about one. It does not start out happy. It ends better. A man in a former church was a bully. An engineer with no apparent emotional capacity, he dominated...
Working At It
by Keith Kaynor | Apr 14, 2023
Do you remember this scene from the movie The Sound of Music? Fraulein Maria is entertaining the seven von Trapp children on a mountain meadow. I confess to being totally taken in by this movie. It is utterly charming. The beauty of spirit and attitude seen in Maria...
Humor About Old Age
by Keith Kaynor | Apr 7, 2023
Some humor about old age has accumulated in my file, so here goes. The thing about old age is that one does not get a chance to practice before it arrives. Yes, there are signs, but it basically slips up on a person. In older years, skin abnormalities appear. Dark...Recent Posts
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- "Turn the other c."
- "What if" Scenarios
- "What Ifs"
- 4-H
- A $740 Pie
- A c. of attitude
- A deceptive c. of a.
- a modern-day p.
- A Mother's I.
- A nudge from the Spirit to W.A.B.
- A P. For Serving God
- A quiet heroine
- a Roman c. who amazed Jesus
- a s. personality, John Q. Adams
- Aaron limited access to the Holy of Holies
- Abortion
- Abraham
- Abraham Finding a Wife For His Son
- Abraham Lincoln
- Abraham's unnamed servant
- Abraham; God's promise to Abraham
- Absalom
- Abuse
- Abused
- Accident
- Accidents
- Accomodating
- Achievement, first achievement
- Achievements
- Achieving mental r.
- Action International Ministries
- Acts
- Acts 10 & 11
- Acts 10:23 & 11:12
- Acts 12:8-10
- Acts 2
- Adams, bright and out-going Louisa Catherine Adams
- Adams, John Quincy, 6th president of the United States
- Adaptability
- Adapting, adjusting and flexible
- Adding to or taking away from the Bible
- Adjusting my thinking
- Admitting something
- Advantage
- Adventure
- Affair of a husband
- Affection
- Affirmation can turn idolatrous
- African Need
- Agagite; King Agag
- Agreement that needed changing
- Ahimaaz was s.
- Ahimaaz, son of Zadok the priest
- Ahio, Nadab and Abihu – early deaths
- Airpower
- Alcoholism
- Alfred Nobel
- Alive to God
- all born s. from God
- All humanity n.
- Allowing parents to direct
- Almost beyond what a person could endure
- Amateur; “This is how amateurs get killed.”
- Amazed
- Ambition gone awry
- America declining
- American fears of Soviet Russia
- American Football
- American presidents
- America’s a.i. did not change
- Ammonites
- An appeal to the E. of Moses
- an elderly gentleman
- An emotional p.
- An O. of History
- An unfortunate k.
- Anathema; Benedict Arnold viewed as a Judas
- Andrews, Julie
- Angelic jailbreak
- Angels Worshipping God
- Animals killed in the Old Testament
- Annihilate Israel; efforts to Annihilate Israel
- Another's world
- Answered p.
- Answering John's doubts
- Anti-Semitism
- Anxiety overcome by Martin Luther
- Anyone can do it
- Apologetics
- Apostles
- Appearances; guarding one's appearance
- Application to become Job's comforter
- Applied; prayers applied by God
- Arab-Israeli Conflict
- Archaeology
- Arnold, Benedict, General B.A., the American traitor
- Arnold, the traitor Benedict A.
- Arrogance, Haman’s a.
- Arrogance; Xerxes a.
- Arrogant, unchangeable people
- article on Charles Spurgeon
- Artwork
- Asceticism
- Asceticism unsatisfying
- Assassination: Bigthana and Teresh plot
- asserting yourself on w.i.
- Assisting a Friend
- Assitance
- Associates along with us to c.
- Assuming on others
- Assumptions
- Astronaut corps
- Astronaut John Glenn
- Atlantic Voyage
- Atone for sin
- Atonement
- Atonement; full and final a.
- Atoning Death of Jesus Christ
- Attending church
- Attention; holding the audience
- Attitude governs value
- Attitude is everything
- Auto Accident
- Auto Industry
- Availability to all
- Aviation of World War II
- Awareness/Unawareness
- B. helping a boy experience success
- Backing off
- Backsliding
- Bad kings
- Balance
- Balancing
- Barely Enough
- Baseball
- Battle of the Little Big Horn 1876
- Battling for an idea whose time had come
- bazaar, outlandish i.
- Be grateful for l.
- Be-Attitude
- Beauty Shoppe
- Became our sin; Jesus b.o.s.
- Becoming b.
- Becoming spiritually s.
- Becoming w.
- Being close to God
- Being criticized
- Being forgiven
- Being in community
- Being Like Jesus Christ
- Being r.
- Being s. required to serve God
- Being taken a. of
- Being with the poor
- Believe
- Believe the bible
- Belonging
- Belonging to each other
- Benefit unequal to the expenditure
- Benjamin Franklin
- Benjamin Franklin ridiculed
- Benjamin Franklin's youth
- Benjamin, youngest son of Jacob
- Bernoulli's principle of f.
- Best for last
- Betrayal
- Beyond your ability and experience
- Bible
- Bible chronology
- Bible h.
- Bible; authority and claim to inspiration
- Biblical Teachings
- Biden
- Biden; President Joe Biden
- Big moment
- Big results vs. Godly Results
- Bigger Picture
- Bigger picture; accepting a project from Dad
- Billy Mitchell
- Bitterness
- Black Civil Right
- Blemishes
- Blind; legally blind but “seeing” well
- Boaz
- Boils
- Boldness; Esther’s b.
- Books to Cuba
- Boredom
- Bossy
- Boston and Halifax
- Bow; Mordecai refused to b.
- Bribing people to get a following
- Brick; bricking our own home
- Bride-price
- Briggs Meyer Personality Test
- Brilliance
- British monarchy
- British r.
- British royalty treated like gods
- Broken
- Bulldog Personality of Winston Churchill
- Bullet
- Bullet I deserve
- Bullet; Jesus took the bullet I deserve
- Bully
- Bullying
- Bunker
- Bush
- Calculating the cost of our sin
- California; finding Christ on a Californian campus
- Call; does a need constitute God's will?
- Cancer taking a woman’s life
- Canonicity
- Can’t do without
- Capable wife
- Captivity; Jewish 70 year c.
- care of d. unequally distributed
- Caring For Children
- Caring for others
- Celebrating; Jews c. like Christmas
- Centurion
- ceremonies and rituals u
- Certainty
- Change
- Change (s, ing, ed)
- Change in schedule
- Change of arrangement
- Changing social attitude
- Charles Spurgeon, London preacher
- Charlotte
- Chauvin, Derek
- Cheat
- Cheek
- Cheerful and optimistic
- Cheerful spirit
- Child deaths
- Childbearing; yearning for childbearing
- Childhood experiences having an impact years later
- Children
- Children as an object lesson
- Children being kind
- Children serving God
- child’s focus on themselves
- Choice
- Choosing to be grateful
- Christian education material
- Christian Encouragement
- Christian Living
- Christian school Fund raiser
- Christian service means being fueled by fumes
- Christians o. by God
- Chronicles and Kings; 1 Chronicles 17 & 1 Kings 8:18
- Chronology of Moses' Trips up Mt. Sinai
- Church
- Church attendance
- Church culture wars
- Church pillar that no one missed
- Churches and ministries taking advantage
- Churchill, Winston
- Citizens “became Jews”
- City Gates
- City gates in Old Testament times
- Civil War
- Classifications superseded by being alive to God
- Clean, pure, forgiven, righteous
- Clergymen’s elaborate dress
- Co-Exist
- Coffee that saved a marriage
- Coincidences
- College students; questions of c. s.
- Colonial government
- Colossians
- Colossians 1:11
- Comet
- Comfortable theology
- Commerce and business conducted
- Common to man; I Corinthians 10:13
- Communication of children limited
- Community
- Community and Support
- Comparison
- Compassion
- Compensation for Leah
- Competing against adverse odds
- Competition
- Competition between sisters
- Competition, unhealthy c.
- Competition; benign competition with God
- Complain
- Complaining
- Conception
- Conclusions
- Conclusions; coming to the right conclusions
- Confidence in the listener
- Confined for over one year
- Confirm
- Conflict Resolution
- Confronting people
- Confused, doubting and/or afflicted
- Connecting
- Connecting with Children
- Connecting with one's sacrifice
- Conscientious
- Consulting
- Context
- Contradictions; living with c.
- Contrast between Proverbs and Job
- Control; being under God's control
- Control; who is in c. of your life
- Convinced I am r. when I am actually wrong
- Convinced I am right, when actually w.
- Corinthians
- Corinthians; I Corinthians 14:37
- Cornelius
- Correcting others
- Cost
- Counsel
- Countable
- Creation scientism
- Creation vs. evolution
- Creativity
- Credit
- Critical people
- Critical rather than grateful
- Critics not knowing what they are talking about
- Critics set out to s. Benedict Arnold
- Cross
- Crushed by disapproval
- Cuba
- Cuba – baseball for kids
- Cuba; speaking in C.
- Cuban Christian; a Cuban conclusions
- Cuban poverty
- Cultural and religious clashes
- Culture
- Customs forms
- Customs; overlooked by Biblical c.
- Cyrus’ permission to return to Jerusalem
- D. of many early colonists
- Dangerous; close to God can be dangerous
- David, seeking to be sympathetic, was misunderstood
- David, wise individualism
- Death
- Death not the u.
- Death of j.
- Deceived
- Deceiver
- Deception
- Deception as a part of spiritual warfare
- Deception in entertainment
- Deception in food containers
- Default setting of human nature
- Defeated for the presidency
- defeating negative f.
- Defining Moment
- Delay
- Delay in talking over a problem
- Deliverance
- Delivery of a message; variety
- Dependence
- Desperate to marry
- Despising your birthright (things that are valuable)
- Destiny; date with d.
- Destruction
- Deuteronomy 28 – 30
- Deuteronomy 29:29
- Development; mental d.
- Died; some died by violating God's presence
- Differences in C.
- Different
- different p. attracted to each other
- Differently; handling a situation differently
- Difficulty g.u.
- Difficulty of changing
- Dignity
- Diligence
- Directing another person's life
- Directionless
- Disabled
- Disadvantaged
- Disappointment
- Disaster
- Discipline
- Discovering new depth
- Discovery
- Disneyland
- Disobedience; Vashti’s d.
- Disobedient; healed man disobedient to the Lord Jesus
- Distraction
- Division
- Dog
- Doggy
- Dogs
- Doing one's d.
- doing small things
- Doing to others the evil done to us
- Dominate
- Dominating your sons / daughters
- Don't c.
- Don't quit
- don’t become an H.
- Doubt
- Downfall; Haman’s d.
- Dream revelation: how we know it was from satan
- Drew H's $740 Pie
- Driven
- Drunkenness, why Persians drank so much
- Due diligence
- Dull Because of Overuse
- Dullness of mind
- Dumb
- Dutch sea captain
- Duty
- Duty to found a colony
- Each afraid of the other
- Each of us totally responsible
- Eagerness to serve
- Early deaths
- Earn salvation
- Ecstatic frenzy as a means of communication
- Edict, a second e.
- Edicts; irreversible e.
- Effective; more effective as a congressman than as president
- Ego
- Elders; the blessing of e.
- Election
- EliBiPhar
- Elijah fits the "warrior, wounded, wisdom" pattern
- Elimelech
- Eliphaz fooled into claiming a godly origin
- Elizabeth Edwards
- Elizabeth Layton Nel
- Embarrassing details
- Emotional Strength
- Empathy
- Empowerment and Advocacy
- Emptiness on the inside
- Empty search
- Endurance
- Engagement
- Enjoying children
- Enjoying the c. to modern conveniences
- Enormous need – hardship, injustice, refugees
- Entrance into ancient cities
- Entrance to O.T. communities
- Envy
- Ephesians 2:8-10
- Ephesians 5:21
- Erfurt, Germany
- Esau
- Eschatology
- Essential
- Establishing what was done and said and what happened
- Esther
- Esther approaches the king a second time
- Esther; Hadassah’s Persian name
- Eunuch
- European theater of World War II
- Evening service; cancel the e.s.
- Events; seemingly unrelated e.
- every n.t.l. and p.
- Everyman
- everything there is to k.
- Evidence
- Evidence for God
- Evil still exists
- Evolution is a faith-based, secular religion
- Examples of lack of s.a.
- Excuses
- Exempt
- Exhaustion
- Exodus
- Exodus 19:4
- Exodus 32:10
- Exodus chronology of Moses on Mt. Sinai
- Expectation Management
- Expectations
- Expected
- Experience
- Experiencing the s.
- Explosives
- Extreme
- Extreme exertion
- extreme giftedness
- Extreme service to our nation
- Fail; I will not fail where others have
- Failure to see his own sin
- Faint cries for help
- Fairness
- Faith
- Faith and Devotion
- Faith and Theology
- Faith and Trust in God
- Faith building
- Faith frontier
- Faith to overcome a limitation
- Faith victory by a whisker
- Faith; statement of f.
- Faithful building of the ark
- False prophets speaking lies
- Familiarity; using what we know
- Family devotions
- Family man
- Family relationships
- Family tensions
- Family-ness
- Famine
- fast response
- Fasting
- Favorites
- Favoritism
- Fear
- Fear of living on missionary support
- Fear of the Unknown
- Feasting
- feeling i. in a crowd
- Feeling rejected
- Feeling second best
- Feelings
- Fellowship; the value of fellowship
- Finding God's Will
- Finding someone you've never met
- Fired
- First, last; last, first
- First-time home ownership
- Flesh; the spirt and flesh at war
- Flexibility
- Flight
- Flood
- Focus Publishing; Bemidji, Minnesota
- Focusing on a greater cause
- follow the e. wherever it goes
- Food mostly gone
- Foolish conclusion
- Foolish spending
- foolish to e. those more gifted
- Foolish young man, racing on the streets
- Football
- Forgive(ness)
- Forgiven little, love little; Forgiven much, love much
- Formative experiences
- Freedom from anxiety and fear
- Freedom from competition
- Freedom in Christ
- Freedom in God's forgiveness
- Freedom; claiming freedom, we end up in bondage
- Fretting about injustice
- Friends
- Friends counsel to OSCs
- Full atonement
- Fun
- Functioning according to the Spirit of God
- Fund raiser
- Funeral
- Future
- Galations 2 – Peter Withdrew From Gentile Christians
- Gallows; built for Mordecai
- Gallows; excessive height of g.
- Garment; spread the corner of your g.
- Gate: the king’s g.
- Geezer
- General Motors
- Generation; one generation dominating another
- Generational sins
- Generations differ
- Generosity
- Genesis 16-21
- Genesis 22
- Genesis 24
- Genesis 24-27
- Genesis 25 & 26
- Genesis 38 & 44
- Gentile Pentecost in Acts 10
- Gentiles attaching themselves to Israel
- George
- George Floyd
- Getting all that we should
- getting back into G. good graces
- Getting c.
- Giandomenico Picco – U.N. negotiator
- Gift of Time
- Gifting
- Gifts
- Gifts inventories
- Give, given, gave
- GIve, given, gave, giving
- Giving
- Giving more c. than we think is deserved
- giving up human s.
- Giving up long before you die
- Gleaning
- Glitter and pomp; unbecoming
- Glory
- Go to hurting friends
- Goals
- God at work in all lives
- God b.
- god complex
- God could have prevented an a.
- God does e.
- God doing something n.
- God generous
- God Has No F.
- God is able to time events right
- God is humble; stays out of sight
- God is not obvious
- God keeping HIs own from foolishness
- God not against you, even though it seems He is
- God preventing His own from doing evil
- God protecting HIs own
- God runs his creation differently
- God saying "No"
- God t. Moses
- God teaching me
- God's attitude toward us
- God's blessing on Rachel and Leah (12 sons of Israel)
- God's correction of critical people
- God's grace in finding someone
- God's grace reaching all believers
- God's guidance
- God's l.
- God's perspective more comprehensive
- God's Power in Ordinary People
- God's providence
- God's sovereignty
- God's Value Structure Different Than Ours
- God's will
- God, evidence for God
- God; how God speaks to us
- God; main character of the book though never named
- God; no games with God
- God; what God is doing through wounding us
- Godly attitudes
- Godly discipline
- gods we own
- God’s
- God’s balancing answer to the simplicity and optimism of Proverbs
- God’s call to missions
- God’s gentle, thorough preparation for change
- God’s purposes for the o.
- God’s sovereignty
- God’s will; sensing G. w.
- going w. another to establish what was said and done and what happened
- Golden retrievers
- Golden Rule
- Goliath, the Philistine champion
- Good kings
- Good marriage
- Gospel to the poor
- Gospel, expansive, dynamic
- Gossipy tabloids
- Got Me In
- Grace builders
- Grand Rapids, Michigan
- Granddaughters
- Grandparenting
- Gratefulness
- Gratitude
- Gratitude perfumes everything
- Greatest challenge a human ego has ever faced
- Grief
- Grieving the death of a child
- Growing Up
- Guidance through scripture
- Guilt
- Guilty
- Half-full down to empty
- Halifax Explosion, 1917
- Haman
- Hamanite
- Haman’s hatred and pride
- Handing a gruff personality
- Happiness
- Hard peace
- Hard Work
- Hardhearted; was Esther h.
- hardship not because of s.
- Hate; the Biblical origins of hate
- Hatred for political leaders
- Hazardous; too near to the Lord can be hazardous
- Healthy individuality
- Hearing
- Heart for God
- Heaven
- Heaven a large place
- Held accountable
- Help; church members help pastor get his own house.
- Helpfulness
- Helpfulness without being asked
- helping a boy experience s.
- Helping others without being asked
- Helping Out God
- Helping the helpless
- Heroine
- Hidden
- Hidden Manna
- Historical-grammatical interpretation
- History
- History Balancing Itself
- History of
- Hixson; Kathryn
- Hollywood
- Holy Spirit
- Holy Spirit Guidance
- Holy Spirit illumination
- Homeownership
- Honesty
- Honesty comes before being generous
- Hoppenworth
- Hospitality
- Hospitality in Singapore
- Housekeeping
- How God applied general prayers
- How long will my punishment last?
- how many redeemed / lost u.
- how to know we are o. o. c.
- How to start an evangelistic conversation
- Human approval idolatrous
- Human god-ness
- Human Nature
- human r.
- Humanity of a high mountain ledge
- Humanity total ruined
- Humanity unaware
- Humble enough to seek counsel
- Humble home
- Humility
- Humility in service
- Humility of Moses
- Humility; John the Baptist
- Humor in the pulpit
- Humor softens the hard spots
- Humvee
- Hunger
- Husband; unemotional health
- Husband’s leadership role in marriage
- Hypocrisy
- Hypocrites in church
- I am the resurrection
- I Corinthians 11:10
- I Corinthians 16:9
- I Corinthians 6:19-20
- I Samuel 17:38 & 39
- Idealism
- Identifying with others
- Identity
- Idolatry
- Idolatry; make a child into an idol
- II Corinthians 5:4
- II Peter 1:3
- Illumination
- Illusion; the i. of progress
- Illustrations
- Iloilo, Philippines
- Imagination
- Imbalance in favor of a ministry, church
- Immediate gratification
- Immediate response
- Immorality of Hollywood stars
- Impatience
- Impeachment of a president
- Implied
- importance of v. in speaking
- Imposing your will on others
- Impossible
- In
- Inadequacy
- Inconsistency
- Independence from God
- Independence; foolish i.
- Individualism
- Individuality
- Inferiority
- Influence
- Influence; falling under another's i.
- Influencing one's children
- Inheritance in Bible times; importance of i. i. B. t.
- Inherited roles
- Initiative
- Initiative and being entrepreneurial
- Injured
- Injustice; how do we face it?
- Insanity
- Insecure
- Insensitivity
- Insesure
- Insight
- Inspiration
- Inspiration; Bible definition of I.
- Interpretation of s.e.
- Interpreting circumstances differently
- Interpreting our circumstances correctly
- interpreting things in c
- Intimacy with the Lord Jesus Christ
- Intimidated by a chairman of the board
- Intimidation
- Into the Unknown
- Intoxicating; being the center of attention i.
- Investing time, love, and energy
- Invisible
- Invited to leave
- Irrational concern
- Isaac
- Ishmael, the extended family of Ishmael
- Isolation
- Israel re-gathered as of May 1948
- Israel taken captive
- it’s not o. w.
- Jacob
- James killed by Herod
- James Maitland Stewart
- James Michener’s book Poland
- Jamestown 1620
- Jealousy
- Jealousy is like a cancer
- Jeremiah 29:11
- Jeremiah Challenged by God
- Jesus Christ
- Jesus Christ associated with joy
- Jesus Christ repeated God's ideal
- Jesus Christ s. by the father
- Jesus Christ Was A.
- Jesus Christ; His baptism
- Jesus Christ; how different He is from those who claim to represent Him
- Jesus Christ; Warrior, wounded, and wise
- Jesus made a great deal available
- Jesus preparing a place
- Jesus traveling with his family
- Jesus was compassionate toward a widow
- Jesus; the name of Jesus interpreted
- Jewel; the Jewel in the Singapore airport
- Jewish Christians move over to accept Gentile Christians
- Jewish evangelists; 144,000. J.E.
- Jews; history of j
- Jihad
- Jihadists
- Jimmy Chin’s National Geographic photo; May, 2011
- Joab hard and calculating
- Joab, David’s general; wiser than the king
- Job
- Job 11
- Job 11:5 & 6
- Job 12
- Job 13
- Job 16
- Job 31:4&7
- Job 9 & 10
- Job bashing
- Job brings b. to O.T. Wisdom Literature
- Job still spiritual gold at the end of chapter 2
- Job's comforter
- Job's Painful B.
- Job: automatic connection with the forgotten, the ignored, the marginalized
- Job: misery’s case presented
- Job: spiritual sushi
- Job: why J. is believed to be an ancient book
- Job; fits the "warrior, wounded, wisdom:" pattern
- Jobian back-off maneuver
- John 11:25
- John 14:2
- John 1:29-34
- John 3:22-30
- John Andre; Revolutionary War British officer J.A.
- John had a q. for Jesus Christ
- John Quincy Adams humbly served in Congress
- John Robinson, charismatic Pilgrim leader
- John the Baptist
- John the Baptist P.
- John the Baptist; his disciples being protective
- John the baptizer
- Johne 3:16-19
- Johnson, trial of President J.
- Joseph; fits the "warrior, wounded, wisdom" pattern
- Joy
- Joy amidst poverty
- Judah immoral
- Judah s-s.
- Judges 13-16
- Judging
- Judgment; divine j.
- Julie Andrews' Examiner
- Jumping to false c.
- Justice; two different systems of j.
- Justify; does the end j. the means
- Karpe diem
- Kaynor, David
- keeping things in the right o.
- Keith Kaynor; warrior, wound
- Kidnappers
- Kids in Cuba
- Kilion
- Kindness
- King George III
- King George's spirituality in conflict with British conquest
- King Herod
- King James – persecuted Pilgrims
- King of Siam
- Kings and queens of the dog world
- Kings: good and bad
- Kinsman-redeemer
- Kiss
- Know
- Knowing G.w.
- Knowing what should be done without being told
- Knowing; not k.
- Knowledge is power
- Known; the k. and the unknown
- Ku Klux Klan
- Laban
- Lacking
- Lacking, yet still triumphant
- Large family
- Large gatherings
- Laughter
- Law shifting to grace
- Laws of p.
- Leadership brings surprises
- Leadership Brings The U.
- Leadership stress
- Leadership stress and strain
- Leah
- Learning disabled children
- Learning from those older and bolder
- Learning to do what you’ve never done before
- Learning to expect from others
- learning to have patience
- Learning to have sympathy
- Learning to have empathy
- Leaving a n.s. to God
- Leaving; people l. to support someone else
- Legacy; achieving a godly legacy
- Legalism
- Legalism– trying to earn forgiveness
- Legitimate and non-legitimate
- Leniency not extended
- Lessons from Experience
- Levi (Matthew) former tax collector
- Lie turned n.
- Life shaping e.
- Life-dominating love for God
- Light
- Liked
- Limitations
- Limited information
- Listening wisely
- Little is much when God is in it
- Living by faith
- London preacher of 1854-1891 Charles Haddon S.
- Loosening Your Grip
- Lose
- Losing f.r.
- Loss of respect for each other in the family
- Loss of the glue of society
- Lost awareness of sin
- Lots; casting of l.
- Louise Catherine Adams
- Louisiana Purchase
- Love
- Love story
- Loved
- Loved by God
- Loving Children
- Loving God
- Low income
- Luke
- Luke 10:38-41
- Luke 2:44
- Luke 5:33-39
- Luke 7
- Lying
- Lying and liars
- Mahlon
- Making History
- Making p.
- making people into g.
- Malachi
- Manila missionary eats with poor
- Manipulating your husband
- Manna
- Many killed in an unnecessary war
- Many things are r.
- Marines; the few, the brave and proud Maturity; when God sets about maturing someone
- Mark 2:18-22
- Mark 2:4
- Marking your B.
- Marriage
- Marriage deception
- Marriage first, then pleasure
- Marriage to a heathen king; spending the night with the king
- Marriage/Divorce
- Martha's concern for Lazarus
- Martin Luther as a young monk
- Martin Luther King
- Massasoit, First Nations leader
- Matthew 11:4-6
- Matthew 13
- Matthew 14
- Matthew 19:1-2
- Matthew 19:16-20:16
- Matthew 1:21
- Matthew 4:1-11
- Matthew 9:14-17
- Maturity to restrain one’s speech
- Mayflower
- Meaningful meetings w/ the Master
- meaningless activity that does not a. the goal
- Mechanics of w.
- Medical a.
- Medical emergencies
- Medical needs
- meeting temptation
- Mellowing over the years
- Memorizing Scripture
- Mental peace
- Mental thought life
- Mentally delayed
- Mighty G.M. did not c.
- Mighty G.M. did not change
- Military veterans living in woundedville
- Ministry is consuming
- Ministry Leadership
- Miraculous
- Mirrors help people wait
- Misery Aboard the Mayflower in 1620
- Mission
- Missionary acid test
- Missionary support dropped
- Missionary Work
- Missions
- Misspent values
- Misunderstood
- Mixed group: believers and non-believers
- Monastery life; Luther's life in a monastery
- Money, not knowing about the m.
- Moral fabric of the universe
- Mordecai
- Mordecai and Esther sent official l. to the people
- Mordecai continued to rise to power
- Mordecai Events; seeming unrelated e.
- Mordecai; mourning of M.
- More happening than we know
- More print on only one topic
- More redeemed than remain lost
- Moses
- Moses a. by Israelites
- Moses h.a.
- Moses too familiar with God
- Moses' brilliant appeal to God
- Moses; phases of his life
- Mosquitos
- Most cheerful dog
- Motherhood
- Motherhood impacted
- Mothers
- Motive for obedience
- Motive for service
- Mount Sinai
- Mourning; parents
- Movies; American movies in the 1940s and 1950s
- Moving a home
- Mr. Franklin Graham
- Mr. Guilty
- Mrs. Job foolish counsel
- Mutual submission; Ephesians 5:21
- Mysteries
- Mysterious providence
- Mystery
- Mystery; living with unanswered questions
- N. vow
- Names; meaning of names
- Naomi
- Narratives of Confidence
- Narrow margin of acquittal
- Narrow victory
- Nation, tribe, language and people
- Nazarite
- Nebuchadnezzar – “Tell me my dream.”
- Needs
- Needy
- Negative
- Negative situation
- Negatives more than balanced off by achieving the goal
- Negotiating an agreement
- Negotiating with kidnappers
- Nehemiah
- Nervous; Jimmy Stewart nervous
- Neutrality
- New
- New Testament claim to divine inspiration
- New testament writers were truthful
- No arms
- No s. or s.
- Noah's flood
- Non-judgmental
- not all churches are true to the Bible
- Not c. those involved
- Not keeping one's w.
- Not know
- Not knowing
- Not knowing what to do
- Not knowing what we do not know
- Not r.s.
- Not Understand
- not what was e.
- Nothing e. as God set about to create faith
- Nourishment
- Nourishment, spiritual n.
- Now
- Numbers killed in the American Civil War
- Obama
- Obed
- Obedience
- Obligation; does a need constitute an obligation
- Obvious
- Oceans
- Oddity
- Old / new wineskins
- Old covenant obsolete
- Old Testament c.g.
- Old Testament Stories
- Old/New Covenant
- One world
- Oneness
- Opinions
- Order
- Order of events: getting the law
- Ordinary; people o.
- Original sin; our basic nature
- Originality
- Originality in S.
- Orpah
- Others
- Our o., not God's o.
- Out of control
- Out tricked
- Out with the old, in with the new
- Out-of-balance living
- Out-of-character participation
- Outside one's comfort zone
- Outside wanting to be inside
- Over dressed
- Overcoming
- Overcoming a negative past
- Overcoming Challenges
- Overcoming death of a husband and a daughter
- Overly c.
- Overly s. Christians
- Overreaction
- Overwhelmed
- Owned
- P&C in the church and royal family
- Paid a price to go to comfort a friend
- Palestinians, non-violet Palestinians
- Parable
- Parable of the Sower
- Parables
- Pardon not ours to give
- Parents and their Sons and Daughters
- Parsonage; buying the church p.
- Participation
- Pastor; due diligence for his own family
- Patches
- Patience
- Patience / impatience
- Patience test
- Patriot Jimmy Stewart
- Payin a high price to be kind
- Paying attention to people
- Peace
- Peace about the pace of development
- Peace with God
- Pendulum of history
- Penny War
- People change
- People l. by God
- People required to make a p. happen
- Permeation
- Perplexed
- Persecuted
- Persecuting those we should thank
- Persian court life
- Personal connection with the resurrection
- Personal Development
- Personal devotions not always s.c.
- Personal need test
- Personal Reflection
- Personal Relationship with God
- Personalities
- Perspective
- Perspective gained through passage of time
- Perspective on being criticized
- Persuasion
- Peter
- Peter slow to c.
- Peter, II Peter 3:15 & 16
- Philistines
- Physical distance from God
- Physical stamina for mountain climbing
- Physical things that are overwhelming
- Piano tuning
- Pick-up lines
- Picture of s.
- Pie
- Pilgrims
- Pilgrims with non-Christians
- Piper, John P.
- Plagiarism
- Point of L. in a sea of darkness
- Poland
- Police officers
- Polish gentry show us ourselves
- Political mud-slinging
- Politics
- Politics of America
- Pomp and ceremony
- Position and property of Haman given to Mordecai
- Positive r.m.
- Positive role model
- Poverty
- Practical Advice
- Praise
- Pray; reasons to p.
- Prayer
- Praying
- Praying for people we have never met
- Praying specifically
- Praying without ceasing
- Preachers and Christian workers are dispensing truth time bombs
- Pregnancy
- President Biden
- President Bush
- President Dwight Eisenhower
- President Harry Truman
- President Obama
- President Richard Nixon
- President Richard Nixon was G.
- President Trump
- Presidential opposition
- Presumptuous
- Prevent
- Price
- Price; the p. to win a son
- Pride
- Prince Phillip
- Princeton attended by movie star Jimmy Stewart
- Priorities
- Prison
- Private times of w.
- Probability
- Professional services
- Project
- Protecting His Own from the Unknown
- Protection
- Protection from our sin natures
- Proverbs 9:9
- Proverbs are probabilities
- Providence
- Providence; illustration of God’s p.
- Providential timing and vision required to convince Peter to change
- Provision
- Provoked but still responsible
- Psychology; the p. of waiting
- public s.
- Public Speaking
- Punishment shortened
- Purifying our motive
- Purim, meaning of and celebration of P.
- Queen Charlotte, wife of King George III
- Queen Elizabeth
- Queen of England
- Question
- Questions about what happened
- Quiet Strength
- Quit; John Quincy Adams did not quit
- Race Relations
- Rachel
- Radical action
- Radio Telescope
- Raising Children
- Re-naming something to increase interest
- Reading shaping a young mind
- Reaping what we sow
- Reasons for attending church
- Reasons to b.t.b.
- Rebekah
- Rebuke
- Recent American presidents
- Reconcile war with loving our enemies
- Reconciliation
- Redeemed
- Redeemed from being what we are sinners
- Redemption
- Reformed Protestant perfection
- Refusal to get distracted by unkindness
- Refusing to be sidelined
- Refusing to compete or compare
- Reinterpreting our circumstances
- Reject a leader’s direction
- Rejected
- Rejection by an older brother
- Relative
- Religious
- Reluctance to Change
- Remaining focused on the m.
- Remaining v.
- Repeating
- Repentance
- Reputation
- Request; Esther‘s delicate r.
- Request; Esther’s r.
- Resistance to change
- Responding to the nuances of the Spirit
- Response
- Responsibility
- Responsibility to match the benefit
- Rest
- Resurrection; personal connection with the r.
- Revelation
- Revelation 21:16
- Revelation 2:17
- Revelation 7:9
- Rewarded
- Riches
- Ridicule
- Ridiculed
- Right
- Righteousness
- Ring; signet official r.
- Risk
- Risk; Esther taking a r.
- Risk; Esther’s r.
- Risk; taking r. for God
- Risks of faith
- Rock in a sock for a ball
- Rocket science
- Role model
- Romans
- Romans 15:4
- Romans 1:17 and 7:15-25
- Romans 2:9
- Romans 5
- Romans 8:33-39
- Royal f.
- royal family in p.
- Royal family ripped apart
- Royalty
- Ruined
- Rules which seem strange
- Rushed/hurried unsatisfying
- Rushing ahead
- Russian fears of America
- Ruth
- S. out of one's comfort zone
- S.W.T.F.
- Sacrifice
- Safety in numbers
- Saints
- Salvation
- Salvation of a son; what it took
- Samaritan's Purse
- Samson began the d. of Israel
- Samson the recipient of the m.
- Sand, space, speed of light, galaxies, lightning
- Sarah
- Sarcasm
- Satan in contest of wills with God
- Satan unsuccessful
- Satan used the Sabeans and Chaldeans
- Satanic battle forgives, wills and souls
- Satanic dream
- Satanic Terrorism
- Satan’s power
- Scarce Christian education material
- School; provision for s.
- Scientific method
- Scriptural response to temptation
- Second coming of Jesus Christ
- Second best
- Secret manna
- Secular government; God uses s.g.
- Security
- Security; personal s. for Persian kings
- Seeing
- Seeing One who is invisible
- Seeing Samson's life in a b. way
- Seeing the good
- Seeing the needs of the future
- Seeing things in a new light
- seeking human approval to the point of i.
- Seeking to be liked
- Seize the moment
- Self-atonement
- Self-awareness
- Self-confidence
- Self-control
- Self-justifying
- Self-Reflection
- Self-sacrificing
- Self-service salvation
- Selfish
- Selfish speech
- Selfish; “Am I being selfish or materialistic?”
- Selfless love
- Senate
- Senior; the senior advantage
- Sensitive
- Sensitizing us to one another
- Sent
- Separated
- Sermons
- Serving beyond your ability and experience
- Serving to the point of exhaustion
- Shakes developed in World War II airman
- showing children f.
- Sibling rivalry
- Sight
- Sight and sound
- Sight, the basis for beliefs
- Sight, the value of physical s.
- Sightings of the H.S.
- Significance; new s.
- Silence Dogood, Benjamin Franklin's imaginary character
- Silent opposition
- Sin
- Sin and Redemption
- Sin brought on a universal flood
- Sin impacting future generations
- Sin nature
- Sin of previous generations
- Sin totally permeates everything
- Sinful i.
- Singapore – finding someone in big airport
- Sitting Bull, Sioux Indian chief
- Sitting where they sat
- Size of the universe
- Skirt length
- Slander
- Slanted news
- Slaves to our own habits and desires
- Sleeplessness
- Small things
- Smart
- Smear
- Social embarassment
- Social order reversed
- Social outcast
- Social upheaval
- Solomon builds the temple
- Some feel i.
- Some songs could not be sung
- Sound of Music, The
- Soundless communication
- Sovereignty
- Sovereignty over conception
- Soviet communism
- Sowing & reaping
- Space travel
- Speaking
- Specific p.
- Speedwell
- Spiritual beauty
- Spiritual death
- Spiritual gifts related to love for God
- Spiritual Growth
- Spiritual hunger
- Spiritual Insights
- Spiritual n.
- Spiritual R & D (Research and Development)
- Spiritual saga
- Spiritual teething (opportunities for growth)
- Spiritual victory
- Spiritual Vitality
- Spiritual war
- Spurgeon
- Stain; a social stain
- Stand; Esther not taking s. for her Jewishness
- Starting a Gospel conversation
- Status quo entrenchment
- Staunch
- Steady plodding in spiritual disciplines
- Stealing other people’s land
- Stellar Events
- Stepping into another's life
- Stepping into another's world
- Stepping into the u.
- Strange way to build a worldwide empire
- Strategy
- Strength
- Strengths becoming weaknesses
- Stress
- Stress in confrontation
- Stresses personality
- Stretched
- Strong
- Strong, youthful, brash, arrogant
- Submission
- Submission out of love and respect
- Submission; absolute s.
- Submitting
- Submitting our wills to the Holy Spirit
- Success
- Sudden change in values
- Suffering
- Suffering focuses the issues of worth, value and ownership
- Super Bowl of the Universe
- Super Bowl, World Cup viewerships
- Supercharged
- Supernatural
- Superstition
- Surrender; arranging a s.
- Surrogate parenting
- Surveys
- Sympathy
- Taken advantage of
- Taking advantage of
- Taking on One's Superiors
- Taking the i.
- Taking things out of context
- Talk grace, but live law
- Tamar deceives Judah
- Tamar takes hold, controversial action
- Tamar takes r.a.
- Taylor Johnson Temperament Test
- Team work
- Teenage desire for a car
- Temple; Solomon builds the temple
- Temptation
- Tender-minded Ahimaaz
- Tenderhearted
- Tension building in America
- Terrifying Circumstances
- Terror
- Terrorism
- Terrorists
- Tested
- Testing from God
- Thankfulness
- Thanksgiving
- the 11th graders’ s.
- The b. we deserve
- the believer’s i. in Christ
- The C. Known in Heaven
- The c. of things is relative
- the d. illustration
- the d. personality
- The desire for more c.
- The Development of Airpower
- The difficulty of w.
- the emotions of r. missing
- The f.
- The G. of T. Given to a Hurting Man
- The Gospel Does Not C.
- The high cost of sin
- The Holy Spirit A.A.F.
- The house of Saul c. to the house of David
- The i. 26th verse of Job 12
- the imagined n. of the scientific community
- The importance of noticing B.C.
- The laugh of u.
- The Lord's calm acceptance of death
- The magnificence of JC
- The many factors involved in the c. of Moses
- The need for balance in American politics
- the number of people r.
- the p. Pilgrims p. others
- the Pilgrim ship M.
- The pilgrim ship s.
- The pilgrims d.
- The power for w. to dissolve
- the r. nature of anti-God people
- the Roman centurion’s f.
- The Salvation Army
- the specifics of how God answered p.
- The stress of w.
- The Swing of History
- The title J.C.
- The unknown
- The US S.
- the value of i.
- The weak c.g.
- Theology
- Thessalonians; 1 T. 5:17
- Thinking
- Thinking; what we think others are t.
- Thirst for Christian education material in Cuba
- Thomas Jefferson
- Tim LaHaye classification of personalities
- Timing
- Timothy, I Timothy 5:18
- Timothy, II Timothy 3:16 & 17
- Traitor
- Transactions, legalizing t. in Isreal
- Travel Plans Disrupted
- Treating others like family
- Trials of the saints known in Heaven
- Trickery
- True identity in Christ
- True r.
- Trump
- Trump, former President Trump
- Trust
- Trusting God When He Says "No"
- Trusting others with your home
- Trusting, therefore thankful
- Truth
- Truth capturing a person's mind
- Truth e. to Christianity
- Truth hidden from those we are serving
- Try n. ways of Bible reading
- Two points of c.
- Type-A, choleric drive
- Ultimate
- Unanswered questions
- Unappreciated
- Unaware
- Unbecoming glitter and pomp
- Unbelief
- Uncategorized
- Uncountable
- Undermining motive for obedience
- Understanding one's past
- Understanding R.
- Understanding the Bible
- Understanding the fears of others
- Understood
- Unemotional man wife starving
- Unexpected
- Unexplainable mysteries
- Unhappy presidency
- Unidentified servant of Genesis 24
- Unity
- Unity of the Father with the Son
- Unkind
- Unknown
- Unknown Name
- Unknown; Jesus u. to John as Messiah
- Unloved wife (wives)
- Unnecessary
- Unspiritual; the fear of looking u.
- Untruthful
- Upgrading salvation
- Upper limit to what one will absorb / do
- Use What You've Got
- Values
- Variety during pubic speaking
- Vashti
- Verses about being r.
- Victorious Christian
- Vietnam
- Visible / invisible
- Voice
- Vulnerable
- Waiting
- Waiting for Children
- Waiting; what helps people wait
- Wall building
- Wanting i.g.
- Wanting to be close to children
- Wanting to be l.
- War
- War; extra day of w. explained
- War; holy w.
- Warped v.
- Warrior; having a warrior mentality and personality
- Warts and all
- Water
- Water skiing as an example
- Wayne Gruden on r.
- We like being i.
- We long to be u.
- Weakness; feeling our w.
- Wealth of American Christian education material
- What to do when criticized
- what was accomplished on the c.
- What we get used to and then c.d.w.
- Whining
- Why Jesus Christ is Special
- Why Jesus Spoke in P.
- Why we don't pray
- Why would God allow a child to die?
- Wicked generation coming from a Godly generation
- Widows
- Wilderness Temptation of Christ
- Wilderness Wandering
- Will; the will to win the mental battle
- Willing to l.
- Willingness to take r.
- Wineskins
- Wings; under His w.
- Wings; under whose w.
- Winning without knowing you are w.
- Winston Churchill’s WWII b.
- Wisdom literature of the Bible
- Wisdom; gaining wisdom
- Wise
- With
- Witnesses; wanting w. to support leadership decisions
- Witnessing
- Wives taking control in the marriage
- Woodward; journalist Robert Woodward
- Word
- Wore our sin; Jesus w.o.s.
- Work
- Work; a w. in progress
- Working around the inflexible
- Working six days a week; exhausted
- World War I vs. World War II
- World War II
- Worship
- Worship in spite of mysteries and injustices
- Worshipper identifying with his sacrificial animal
- Wounded by sin and/or circumstances
- Write a Book
- Wrong
- Wrong issue
- Xerxes
- Xerxes; life of indulgence
- You being you
- Young couple i.
- Young love
- Young man’s project
- Young men warring on the basketball court
- Young women living together
- Youth Involvement
- Zachariah
- Zachariah d., unable to speak
- Zachariah speechless of a season
- Zachariah’s u.
- Zeresh
- Zophar u. to Job
- Zophar, one of Job’s friends
- “Always been this way.”
- “Dry tree”
- “Interested observer”
- “Mansions” in Heaven
- “Take it or leave it.”
- • Inanimate things responding to their Creator
- • Prolific writer Charles Haddon Spurgeon
- • “Neutral” seekers of the truth; no such person exists
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