The Uncountable Multitude

The Uncountable Multitude

 Revelation 7:9 tells us about a gathering which exceeds all other gatherings: “. . . there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb.” ...
What We Don’t Know (Halifax Explosion, #3)

What We Don’t Know (Halifax Explosion, #3)

 Steel is hard . . .  a law unto itself. It can’t be twisted, bent or broken with one’s hands.  There is no contest between human skin, muscle and bone and this inflexible metal.  So I have wondered how it is that military Humvees  (High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled...
  For Such a Time as This  (Halifax Explosion, #2)

  For Such a Time as This  (Halifax Explosion, #2)

On Thursday, December 6, 1917, an American ship loaded with explosives bound for the European war detonated in the harbor at Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.  Almost 2000 people were killed and 9000 were wounded, straining the medical facilities of the area. ...
Boston & Halifax

Boston & Halifax

 10:13 A.M. December 6th, 1917 Boston and Halifax were not friends. In fact, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada had fought for or supported every cause, battle or confrontation against the Americans since the American Revolutionary War.  It was that conflict...
Surprising Result

Surprising Result

Colossians 1:11 leaped out me . . . flashing like a neon sign.  It reports a surprising result.  What would you expect from “. . . being strengthened with all power according to His glorious might?”  With all that spiritual fire-power (“strengthened...