Standing Up on Water Skis

Standing Up on Water Skis

The lesson was on being dependent on the Holy Spirit and avoiding a frontal charge of human effort to achieve spiritual progress. Everyone was nodding and agreeing that we do not want to try to do God’s work depending on the arm of flesh. We want God’s power; God has...
Second Best (Genesis 29:16 – 35:19)

Second Best (Genesis 29:16 – 35:19)

Poor Leah, it seemed she was always second best. She was the oldest daughter and yet we can assume no eligible suitors had claimed her hand in marriage for the last seven years. Have you ever thought of yourself as second best? Maybe you had a beautiful younger sister...
Surprising Result

Surprising Result

Colossians 1:11 leaped out me . . . flashing like a neon sign.  It reports a surprising result.  What would you expect from “. . . being strengthened with all power according to His glorious might?”  With all that spiritual fire-power (“strengthened...