Out of Control (Part 3 of 4)

Out of Control (Part 3 of 4)

Isaac became a troublesome problem for Rebekah, an obstacle in her way. She may have thought “He loves that Esau so! Didn’t he remember that God had told her that Jacob would be blessed, and that Esau would serve Jacob?” If he didn’t fully...
Out of Control (Part 2 of 4)

Out of Control (Part 2 of 4)

 Genesis 25:19-34 tells us Rebekah was expecting twins! And God told her that the older son would serve the younger son. This was very unusual for that day. The older son almost always received the double portion of the father’s inheritance and would be the...
Out of Control (Part 1 of 4)

Out of Control (Part 1 of 4)

Rebekah is one of my favorite characters in the Bible (I have a lot of favorites!) She was the wife of the patriarch, Isaac, son of Abraham. We find her story in the book of Genesis, chapters 24-27. You remember the great love story of chapter 24? How Abraham,...
Connecting Two Ten-Year-Olds

Connecting Two Ten-Year-Olds

Natalie Ishioka (10 years of age) of Corner-stone Baptist Church, Roseville, Michigan,  became concerned about Cuba when an offering was received for Bikes for Cuban Pastors at our annual (July, 2014) Vacation Bible School.  The kids came up with $2400  (with a little...
How to Get Smart

How to Get Smart

You will not like this article and it will be the briefest article you will ever read from me.  It is short, poignant and carries a life-arresting application.  Want to be smarter?  Be viewed as knowledgeable?  Be respected more?  Be wise? Of course. We...