Esau Embraced Jacob (Genesis 27-33; Part 2 of 2)

Esau Embraced Jacob (Genesis 27-33; Part 2 of 2)

What is less well known is that Jacob was 77 years of age when he left home. It was about time for him to get out on his own.  After serving his uncle for Leah and Rachel for twenty years, Jacob was 97 when God told him to return to his home country. ...
Esau Embraced Jacob (Genesis 27-33; Part 1 of 2)

Esau Embraced Jacob (Genesis 27-33; Part 1 of 2)

Twenty years before the time of our text, Esau had sworn to kill Jacob.  And Jacob had fled, ashamed about stealing Esau’s blessing. What changed?  Why did the older, alienated brother, embrace his brother (33:4)?  What changes people?  How does...