More Saved Than Lost

More Saved Than Lost

 You have wondered, “Will more people be saved and enjoy Heaven for eternity, or will more people remain lost?”  If more people remain separated from God, then it seems that satan will have won. And it does not seem logical that God would allow that. It is...
Getting Your Vitamin G

Getting Your Vitamin G

We all need Vitamin G.  Genesis 24 has a nice dose of Vitamin G (God) for us, as we see Abraham’s unnamed servant find a wife for Abraham’s son, Isaac.  Let’s look for factors which will help us get more Vitamin G.  Students of How to Know God’s Will have received...
What We Don’t Know (Halifax Explosion, #3)

What We Don’t Know (Halifax Explosion, #3)

 Steel is hard . . .  a law unto itself. It can’t be twisted, bent or broken with one’s hands.  There is no contest between human skin, muscle and bone and this inflexible metal.  So I have wondered how it is that military Humvees  (High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled...
  For Such a Time as This  (Halifax Explosion, #2)

  For Such a Time as This  (Halifax Explosion, #2)

On Thursday, December 6, 1917, an American ship loaded with explosives bound for the European war detonated in the harbor at Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.  Almost 2000 people were killed and 9000 were wounded, straining the medical facilities of the area. ...
Mayflower Mayhem (Part 2 of 3)

Mayflower Mayhem (Part 2 of 3)

We continue looking at the adversity the 1620 voyage of the Pilgrims to the New World to gain perspective on what our own enterprizes may face: Before They Sailed The charismatic John Robinson, a Pilgrim leader, urged his Separatists Pilgrim friends to get along with...