Rejection is Protection

Rejection is Protection

Fred Froman was a stout, big man – six foot six, and 275.  He had come to the staff of a large Baptist church from a successful pastorate.  He was the Children’s Pastor.  While he remained in character to love the children, he wanted to get back into...
Not Knowing What They Were Talking About

Not Knowing What They Were Talking About

When an American U-2 spy plane was shot down over Russia in May 1960, American Congressmen leaped to the defense of the President and cursed Nikita Khrushchev.  These well-intended men were talking about something they did not know about. Before the U-2 incident,...
Planting Time-Bombs of Truth

Planting Time-Bombs of Truth

Abraham Lincoln saw his first slave auction in New Orleans as a young man.  Thirty years would go by before the ugliness and inhumanity of that experience would result in legislative action.  But that experience set his conscience a-ticking.  It went...
Thinkfulness Advances Thankfulness

Thinkfulness Advances Thankfulness

Thanksgiving is when some cease to gobble and others start. Have you noticed that thankful people are nice to be around? Gratitude perfumes an atmosphere.  Thankfulness is voicing how God and others have benefited our lives. If we are thinking we are...
You Can Be In The Movies

You Can Be In The Movies

Okay, I am stretching a point, but stick with me. Imagine Heaven.  You are in Heaven and it is time for the 10:00 P.M. news just before you go to bed.  The grandstands are full of angels and saints.  Spirits are high.  The weather report comes...