Redeeming Mosquitos

Redeeming Mosquitos

To help understand the quality of Christ’s atoning death, consider an example that came to me years ago (I do not know where I picked it up, so I can’t give credit).  Suppose it were possible to redeem mosquitos. Suppose you were prepared to die for mosquitos and that...
Some Went Along (Acts 10:23)

Some Went Along (Acts 10:23)

Therese was praying, “Lord should I go to Cuba with the team from our church?  Please give me something from the Bible to show whether I should go or not .”   Short Term Missions are popular. People can take a week or two from their vacation time, go to a...
The Man With No Arms

The Man With No Arms

It is not polite to stare.  But I could not help myself.  Where were that man’s arms?  Does he have no arms?  I looked away, uncomfortable with what I thought I saw. I looked back a few seconds later.   No, I was correct. He had no arms! ...
Embarrassing Details

Embarrassing Details

Imagine the Apostle Peter saying to Mark, the writer of the Gospel, “Mark, do you have to put that in your book?   Why include that?  It makes me look so bad.”  Hang on to that thought – we will come back to it.  How do we know the New Testament...
Understanding the Fears of Others
 (Job 16)

Understanding the Fears of Others
 (Job 16)

Looking at Job 16 again today, we observe that understanding had broken down. Consider an example of this from my youth.  I grew up in the 1950s and 1960s when the Communists of the Soviet Union caused fear in American minds and hearts. Communism was the boogy...