Not The Ultimate

Not The Ultimate

Death of a Friend   This morning – March 6, 2021 – I opened email and read that a friend has been given only another day or two to live. A few minutes later, I was in Matthew 13.  After Jesus taught in His home town, people questioned His legitimacy, even as they...
Rebuked & Inspired

Rebuked & Inspired

The picture above is a street scene in Bayamo. It is in southeastern Cuba.  The sign says some-thing like: Fatherland or Death;  We are invincible Each time we are in Cuba, we are both rebuked and inspired.   Rebuked   because the Cubans do not...
Forced From The Ideal

Forced From The Ideal

Leadership is never easy.  It wasn’t for Moses.  It won’t be for us.    The Ideal   Twice in Matthew 19:1-12 our Lord called the discussion back to the ideal, saying that marriage was permanent. One man, one woman, for life. That was the...
Canary in the Cage (Philip’s Funeral)

Canary in the Cage (Philip’s Funeral)

I laughed until the tears rolled down my cheeks, insisting that I wanted a square hat like the Anglican clergymen who officiated at Prince Philip’s funeral.  I also told my son that a cape like another official wore would make a grand birthday present. ...
Cuban Sunday School Literature

Cuban Sunday School Literature

While American children have flannelgraph,  maps, globes, visual aides, take home papers, audio-visuals, workbooks to color and/or fill out and teachers have quarterlies to assist their teaching,  Cuban Sunday School children have nothing.  Because of the generosity...