Loosening Your Grip on Your Child (Genesis 22)

Loosening Your Grip on Your Child (Genesis 22)

Now in her late 90’s or early 100’s, and having waited so long for this child, Sarah and Abraham must have had to constantly control themselves to not spoil their son, Isaac. Was there ever such a child as this, as handsome, as obedient, as pleasing to his parents as...
A Rock In A Sock

A Rock In A Sock

We first became aware of the situation at a church camp in Cuba.  Boys were playing catch – pretty normal activity for boys.  But then we discovered the “situation.”  The boys were playing with a rock in a sock for their ball.  No way we were not...
Amazed, Grieving, Perplexed & Judging

Amazed, Grieving, Perplexed & Judging

Luke 7 is a striking collection of the four accounts suggested by the title above. Each account is compelling and relevant to our lives, speaking to our circum-stances today.    Amazed   (Luke 7:1-10)  Jewish people appealed to the Lord Jesus...
“Helping Out” God (Genesis 16-21)

“Helping Out” God (Genesis 16-21)

As so often happens when we’re faced with difficulties, we get impatient and we tend to think God needs our help. When He tests our patience and obedience by sending us trials, we somehow think we need to solve the problem ourselves. After all, the old saying goes,...
It’s Not Rocket Science

It’s Not Rocket Science

No, loving people is not rocket science.  No PhD required.  Just love people. Invest time and attention in the people around you.  You and I can’t change anyone – only the Holy spirit can change people. By loving people we seek to get in on what He is...