Cuba June 2022

Cuba June 2022

 The people of Cuba have inspired us and rebuked us many times. Inspired because they are positive, focused on God’s grace and goodness;  rebuked because they do not complain about their hardships (average income US$30 per month).   (The billboard in...
You Want It,  and You Can Have it, But . . . 

You Want It,  and You Can Have it, But . . . 

 . . .  it won’t be what you expect it to be.   A young man wants a car. Okay.  He sees himself orbiting his high school three times to make sure everyone knows he has wheels. He imagines the new respect he will get from the girls – having his own...
Out with the Old, In with the New

Out with the Old, In with the New

A passage was explained in church this morning (May 30, 2021) that I have never understood as full as I now grasp it.  So I will try to be a good messenger boy and hand on what I’ve learned.  Previously I had not connected the fasting part with the new wine part.  The...
The Mystery of Good and Bad Generations

The Mystery of Good and Bad Generations

 II Kings 16 – 23 reports the succession of five kings of Judah.   Ahaz was a terrible king. His 16-year reign is reported in II Kings 16.  But Ahaz had a son, Hezekiah, whowas a godly man.  The Bible account of his tenure as king is in II Kings...
Mountain Climbing

Mountain Climbing

 How many times did Moses climb Mt. Sinai?  It appears that he was called up the mountain once to get stone tablets, then came down to deal with the golden calf situation = round trip # 1. 1 Then God called Big Mo back up the mountain to get a fresh set of tablets on...