Overwhelmed, But With a Purpose

Overwhelmed, But With a Purpose

Sand – How many grains of sand would there be in just one cubic foot of beach sand?  Think of all the grains of sand on all the beaches of the world. How many grains of sand would that be?   I find it difficult to wrap my mind around that.  Overwhelmed?...
No Sight No Sound

No Sight No Sound

Imagine yourself as a CEO of a company. You are extremely good at what you do.  No one is like You. No one is even close to Your skill, brilliance or capacities.  You have known success like no one who has ever existed.   You decided that You will...
Protective Walls and Turning the Other Cheek (Feeling Unappreciated, Part 4 of 4)

Protective Walls and Turning the Other Cheek (Feeling Unappreciated, Part 4 of 4)

Previous articles in this series have been a contrast between General Benedict Arnold and Moses.  God is sensitizing us to one another;  making us aware of others and their situations so we can put God’s character on display to them.  We continue this...