A More Sure Word

 A More Sure Word

The largest radio receiver on earth is in New Mexico. Pilots call it The Mushroom Patch. Its real name is the Very Large Array. The VLA is a series of huge satellite disks on 38 miles of railways. Together the dishes mimic a single telescope the size of Washington...


She is as beautiful a saint as we have ever met.  Of Chinese descent, she has reached out to international students at the University of Washington for years. She has lived and taught in China.  When she asked about whether it was legitimate to take time off...
Warrior, Wounded, Wisdom – Part 2  

Warrior, Wounded, Wisdom – Part 2  

We continue to consider three phases of a man’s life, looking further at Warriorness.  Frustrated in one form, Warriorness may surface in another.  For example, during World War II, Japanese warriorness was seen in military conquests. After Japan lost the...
Warrior, Wounded, Wisdom – Part 1

Warrior, Wounded, Wisdom – Part 1

Some years ago, I came across Robert Hicks’ book The Masculine Journey.  In this book, he outlines a pattern of phases in life many men (and some women) experience. I was fascinated by his idea, since it described so well what I have observed and experienced. It...
Get It All

Get It All

My mother occasionally served us pork chops for dinner. After having enjoyed the majority of the meat on his chop, my dad said, “Son, it is okay to pick up the bone—it costs too much to not get it all.” “Get it all” echoed in my mind as the years have gone by. And the...