1620 Version of End Times

1620 Version of End Times

It seems that Christians in each era believe the Lord could and would return in their lifetimes.  For example, in 1942, many were sure Adolf Hitler was the anti-Christ.  The world was engulfed in a colossal fight that cost the lives of 50 million people. It...
Satanic Terrorism (Eight Days with Job, #8)

Satanic Terrorism (Eight Days with Job, #8)

July 1982, terrorists boarded the sea-going passenger liner Achille Lauro and threw a wheel-chair bound Mr. Clinghoffer into the ocean. The world was aghast! America reeled under the threat of terrorism. Italy and France were coerced into releasing known terrorists....
A Few Good Men (Eight Days with Job, #6)

A Few Good Men (Eight Days with Job, #6)

Let’s notice the good in Job’s three friends – Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar.  We tend to choose friends who are our intellectual, social and spiritual equals  (Most of us don’t coach the president of Johns Hopkins University.  Does the President call you?...
Round Two (Eight Days with Job, #5)

Round Two (Eight Days with Job, #5)

Allowing no time for Job to recover, satan again challenged God. “You are still protecting your boy. You have not proven Job loves You for You. Besides, a person has not really been tested until he has stood in jeopardy. Let him feel some pain, and he will curse You.”...