Faith by the Narrowest of Margins (Job 13:15)

Faith by the Narrowest of Margins (Job 13:15)

“Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him” (v. 15) is a powerful statement. But it is sometimes isolated from its context while being touted as an unshakable, rock-solid declaration of unwavering faith. Though remarkable, it was “faith by the narrowest of margins....
The Phantom 26th Verse (Job 12)

The Phantom 26th Verse (Job 12)

The 26th verse is the key to Job 12.  Please get a Bible and read it.  Did you find it?  It’s there. We will come back to the phantom 26th verse.   Dripping with sarcasm, Job said to his friends, “When you die, all wisdom will be gone from the...
Am I Listening? (Job 11:5 & 6)

Am I Listening? (Job 11:5 & 6)

Have you spotted yourself among the four people we are studying?  We’re all in the text.  I’ve been Job. So have you. When friendship and love were extended to us, we were too overwhelmed to benefit from the well-intended help. We were trembling on the verge...
Zingers from Zophar
 (Job 11)

Zingers from Zophar
 (Job 11)

What kind of a man is this Zophar, the last of Job’s three friends?  We met Eliphaz, the high Brahmin of orthodoxy who bolted into the spirit realm when he needed extra fire power (4:12-17) in presenting the prosecution’s case. We met Bomber Bil who earned The...
IF (Job 9 & 10)

IF (Job 9 & 10)

In 1907, Adolf Hitler applied to the Vienna Academy of Art. He was rejected.  Later, he applied again. Refused again. If he had been accepted, would the world have experienced World War II?   Two teens were memorizing John 15 in the back seat as Mom and a...