Compare and Compete

Compare and Compete

John 3:22-30 Possibly the reader can see that landing on Boardwalk would earn the owner $400, but a short stay on Mediterranean around the corner would only earn the owner $60.  This American board game is a competition to see who can get the most property and...
God is God

God is God

“You have landed on the toughest question we have all wondered about” I told a college freshman.  “It has stumped people of all eras and centuries. I chewed on this question 45 years ago.”  When I was in seminary, all of us young theologs debated this hot...
New Significance

New Significance

Jesus came to be baptized by John in the Jordan River (John 1:29-34). Twice the desert prophet acknowledged, “I did not know Jesus [as the Redeemer].” v. 31 “I did not know Him . . . .”v. 33 “I would not have known Him . . . .”   What did he mean?  It can’t mean...
Right Where He’s Supposed to Be

Right Where He’s Supposed to Be

My wife just finished reading Rosanna White’s  A Song Unheard.  The heroine is a young girl who heard music in her head.  For a long time she enjoyed mental music, but was frustrated in her attempts to write out the notes. It took her many years before she was able to...
The Long Look

The Long Look

Ruth 4 In ancient times, public business was conducted not in city hall, but at the city gate through which most citizens would pass sometime during a given day. Not wasting any time, Boaz went to the city gate to take care of his business. “Meanwhile Boaz went up to...