The Limited, Humble, Quiet Jesus – The Gospel of Mark

The Limited, Humble, Quiet Jesus – The Gospel of Mark

I react to any suggestion that Jesus Christ was “limited.”  “Humble” and “quiet” I can live with, but I bristle at “limited.” However, think about limitation, humility and quietness as we survey the Gospel of Mark. Seeking to discover this quality and...


Action missionary Rafael Sison worked the streets of Manila, trolling for street children and orphans.  Streets and alleys were his beat.   One night as he was sharing a story of Jesus healing a man born blind, one of the street kids named Avatar...
Officer Derek Chauvin

Officer Derek Chauvin

On April 20, 2021, Police Office Derek Chauvin was declared guilt on all three charges against him.  Wrong    Officer Chauvin was wrong to continue to restrain Mr. Floyd as he did. Clearly he had been subdued and did not need to be on the...
When Little is Much 

When Little is Much 

Africa is a continent with massive needs, providing wonderful opportunities for serving up the Gospel with compassionate care for God’s glory.   We should not settle for doing little for the kingdom of God if we can do so much. On the other hand, we should...
A Christmas Grace for Zechariah (Luke 1:20)

A Christmas Grace for Zechariah (Luke 1:20)

When we’ve done wrong and want back into God’s good graces, the only thing we want to know is, “What is this going to cost me–emotionally, physically, financially.  How much discipline will I have to stand under?” “When will ‘this’ be over?”  “What will God include in...