We Wish You a Merry Purim

We Wish You a Merry Purim

Esther 9:18-10:3 We are quite familiar with the phrase “Merry Christmas,” but most Christians know little of the Jewish holiday Purim, which is celebrated in late February or early March in honor of Queen Esther. Purim, Judaism’s most dramatic, fun-filled holiday, has...
Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast

Esther 7:1-10 Queen Esther was beautiful. Scripture says she was “lovely in form and features” (2:7). When Esther walked into a room, heads would have turned. If she had lived today she would have been on every major magazine cover without the need of air brushing or...
Good Night and Good Providence

Good Night and Good Providence

Esther 6 Providence is God’s sovereign arrangement and control of all things. As believers we must understand there is no such thing as luck.  Proverbs 20:24 says, “A man’s steps are directed by the Lord . . . .”  Behind the scenes of everyday living stands...
Esther’s Date with Destiny

Esther’s Date with Destiny

Esther 5:1-14 On May 10, 1939, the king of England summoned the newly-elected Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, to Buckingham Palace and asked him to mobilize Britain to fight Adolph Hitler’s Nazis. England was in peril as Europe was falling to the Nazi war machine....