Good Night and Good Providence

Good Night and Good Providence

Esther 6 Providence is God’s sovereign arrangement and control of all things. As believers we must understand there is no such thing as luck.  Proverbs 20:24 says, “A man’s steps are directed by the Lord . . . .”  Behind the scenes of everyday living stands...
Who’s in Control of Your Life

Who’s in Control of Your Life

Esther 4:1-17 We often encounter circumstances beyond our control. It’s easy to despair, to give up and doubt God’s goodness and grace. It doesn’t feel like God is being good. We like to think we can successfully direct our lives with careful thought and planning. But...
When Life Isn’t Fair

When Life Isn’t Fair

Esther 2:19-3:15 We all know the hurt and pain of being treated unfairly, when life “ain’t fair.” It’s difficult to handle life when it doesn’t treat us fairly, or what we perceive as just. The sad truth is that life is full of injustices. What should we do when faced...