Warrior, Wounded, Wisdom – Part 7

Warrior, Wounded, Wisdom – Part 7

We resume our study of the three stages of a man’s (or woman’s) life by look at God’s grace and provision for us as we sought to heal.  I worked the Christmas rush at a U.S. post office. It was a six day-a-week, ten hours per day job. Having been a pencil pusher...
Warrior, Wounded, Wisdom – Part 6

Warrior, Wounded, Wisdom – Part 6

We resume our study of the three stages of a man’s (or woman’s) life by look at Examples of Wisdom  The Lord Jesus Christ  arose triumphant from His wounding.  We see Him reconnecting with His disciples, encouraging them in their dismay and bringing...
Warrior, Wounded, Wisdom – Part 5

Warrior, Wounded, Wisdom – Part 5

We continue our study of the three phases of a man’s life by moving on to the Wisdom stage. If we retain faith through our apprenticeship in Woundedville, God will probably move us on to a wisdom phase, the last stop on the masculine journey before being promoted into...
Warrior, Wounded, Wisdom – Part 4

Warrior, Wounded, Wisdom – Part 4

We resume consideration of three phases of a man (or woman’s) life by continuing to examine the wounded stage.  When Marilyn and I left Macomb Church, we were looking forward to the next spiritual adventure. “What does God have next for us?”  My attitude was...
Warrior, Wounded, Wisdom – Part 3 

Warrior, Wounded, Wisdom – Part 3 

We resume our consideration of the three stages of a man’s life by looking further at the wounded phase.  The warrior had previously wounded others by “always searching for other warriors with little interest in or patience with those on the sidelines . . . ...