Compare and Compete

Compare and Compete

John 3:22-30 Possibly the reader can see that landing on Boardwalk would earn the owner $400, but a short stay on Mediterranean around the corner would only earn the owner $60.  This American board game is a competition to see who can get the most property and...
God is God

God is God

“You have landed on the toughest question we have all wondered about” I told a college freshman.  “It has stumped people of all eras and centuries. I chewed on this question 45 years ago.”  When I was in seminary, all of us young theologs debated this hot...
New Significance

New Significance

Jesus came to be baptized by John in the Jordan River (John 1:29-34). Twice the desert prophet acknowledged, “I did not know Jesus [as the Redeemer].” v. 31 “I did not know Him . . . .”v. 33 “I would not have known Him . . . .”   What did he mean?  It can’t mean...
Right Where He’s Supposed to Be

Right Where He’s Supposed to Be

My wife just finished reading Rosanna White’s  A Song Unheard.  The heroine is a young girl who heard music in her head.  For a long time she enjoyed mental music, but was frustrated in her attempts to write out the notes. It took her many years before she was able to...
Two Post-Easter Thoughts

Two Post-Easter Thoughts

In Becky MacDonald’s recent Women at Risk newsletter, she had this to say about the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead:  Flipped   “The resurrection calls us to ‘flip everything on its head’ by elevating and honoring those the world looks down...