Identifying with the Dead

Identifying with the Dead

Prominence is given in the Old Testament to the offerings and sacrifices Jewish worshippers made to God. Many animals died to temporarily cover sin. God wanted the people to identify with their sacrifices – know the animal was dying in their place.   ...
The Maturing of Judah

The Maturing of Judah

 In Genesis 38, Judah, the third oldest son of Jacob, comes off as self-righteous and hypocritical.  But by the time we get to Genesis 44, Judah has matured.  He is self-sacrificing, putting concern for his father above his own freedom.  What a...
More is Happening

More is Happening

When we first met her she was a trim 120 pounds with long hair and a beauty of attitude we still enjoy.  A year before we met her, she took a work break from the local hospital where she is a nurse.  Her husband joined her as they left the building for a...
Invited to Leave

Invited to Leave

Some time ago, I was talking with a godly missionary who was being told to leave the area in which she was serving. She had contributed to her critic’s success, and now he was turning on her.  The following thoughts could apply to any Christian being rejected and...
Esau Embraced Jacob (Genesis 27-33; Part 2 of 2)

Esau Embraced Jacob (Genesis 27-33; Part 2 of 2)

What is less well known is that Jacob was 77 years of age when he left home. It was about time for him to get out on his own.  After serving his uncle for Leah and Rachel for twenty years, Jacob was 97 when God told him to return to his home country. ...