It’s a Matter of Perspective

It’s a Matter of Perspective

“$165 to tune a piano!” the pleasant voice over the phoned said as though that was pocket money for a Tuesday. Since I can remember when it cost $45, this price seemed high. After determining the availability of this piano tuner (if worst came to worst), I called a...
Out-of-Character Participation

Out-of-Character Participation

 It was a big project – a wall.  Not Donald Trump’s 2016 wall, but Nehemiah’s 446 B.C. wall.  When a big project is in front of a family, a business, a church or a mission organization, it needs out-of-character participation to succeed.   Nehemiah...
Football Foolishness

Football Foolishness

 I played football in high school and loved the crash and bash. Just what a young buck needed to bled off enough energy to sleep at night.  But our society has gotten unbalanced about football.    The stadium was full at Happy Valley.  Penn...
Understanding Benjamin Franklin

Understanding Benjamin Franklin

 Why was he so repulsed by the power of England? What made him so determined in the cause of the American independence in the 1760s and 1770s?  Benjamin Franklin was the 10th child born to his father, Josiah Franklin, and his second wife. By 10 years of age,...
Samson: A Bigger Perspective (Part 2 of 2, Judges 13-16)

Samson: A Bigger Perspective (Part 2 of 2, Judges 13-16)

 Samson’s judgeship is reported as thoroughly as Gideon’s, while several judges get only two or three verses.  He is the last judge (excluding Samuel, who may or may not be classified as a judge).  Because of his glaring weakness, we tend to learn negatively from him...