Out of Context

Out of Context

You have seen it many times – on wall plaques, on greeting cards and you have heard it quoted.  Yes, we see Jeremiah 29:11 often: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” ...
Positive Role Model

Positive Role Model

 I threatened Marilyn that the day I retired I would get a golden retriever (pictured in the pool with me and grandson Isaac).   It was a hollow threat because neither one of us wanted the dog hair in the house.  But today, I still want a golden.  Recently I...
Tense Negotiations

Tense Negotiations

 Dateline:  August 8, 1993  Beirut     Mr. Giandomenico Picco, the assistant United Nations Secretary-General, was in delicate negotiations for the release of American hostages. Terry Anderson, United Press International’s station chief had been held for seven years. ...
The $740 Pie

The $740 Pie

 Waterloo, Iowa, Black Hawk County 4-H,  August 2, 1996.   Eleven-year-old Drew Hoppenworth decided to make a pie to be sold at the 4-H fair.  He thought, “If no one raises money, there won’t be a 4-H fair.”  So Drew raised some — $740...
The Penny War

The Penny War

 The senior class at Macomb Christian School (Warren, Michigan which is greater Detroit) needed a fund raiser.  They settled on a one-week Penny War.   Each class, 7th grade – 12th grade, was given a jug in which to collect coins.  Pennies were...