Choosing Gratitude*

Choosing Gratitude*

Most of us would probably describe ourselves as thankful people. When we were young, our mothers taught us to say please and thank you and they would remind us to write thank you notes to grandma, other relatives, or friends when they mailed us a gift. It’s just good...
New Testament Inspiration

New Testament Inspiration

Inspiration of the Old Testament is easy to document in the New Testament:  “All Scripture is given by inspirationof God, and is profitable for doctrine,for reproof, for correction and forinstruction in righteousness” (II Timothy 3:16). That is, the New Testament...
How God Led Us into Missions Pt. 2

How God Led Us into Missions Pt. 2

In Part 1, God moved us from the pastorate to Action International Ministries, headquartered in great Seattle, Washington.  This took about two years.  That’s where we pick up the story.  We wrote our first prayer letter. Keith had kept names and...
How God Led Us into Missions Pt. 1

How God Led Us into Missions Pt. 1

If God leads you into world missions, your story will be different from ours.  We send this forth simply as how He did it for us. It is merely an example of the kinds of things God may do for you.   My husband and I served in the pastorate for about 30 years. We...