Kathryn The Blind Seeing

Kathryn The Blind Seeing

She is legally blind but sees better than we do.  Here’s the scoop.  In 2014, we wanted to take Mike & Kathryn Hixson to Cuba with us.  They were serving Graham Church in Laingsburg, Michigan. Planning the trip required a couple of person-to-person meetings, and...
Warrior, Wounded, Wisdom – Part 7

Warrior, Wounded, Wisdom – Part 7

We resume our study of the three stages of a man’s (or woman’s) life by look at God’s grace and provision for us as we sought to heal.  I worked the Christmas rush at a U.S. post office. It was a six day-a-week, ten hours per day job. Having been a pencil pusher...
We Wish You a Merry Purim

We Wish You a Merry Purim

Esther 9:18-10:3 We are quite familiar with the phrase “Merry Christmas,” but most Christians know little of the Jewish holiday Purim, which is celebrated in late February or early March in honor of Queen Esther. Purim, Judaism’s most dramatic, fun-filled holiday, has...
Warrior, Wounded, Wisdom – Part 6

Warrior, Wounded, Wisdom – Part 6

We resume our study of the three stages of a man’s (or woman’s) life by look at Examples of Wisdom  The Lord Jesus Christ  arose triumphant from His wounding.  We see Him reconnecting with His disciples, encouraging them in their dismay and bringing...